#HealthBytes: Follow these simple tips to improve your sex life
What's the story
A healthy and satisfying sex life is crucial for a couple's overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.
There are many factors that go into determining the satisfaction meter of your sex life- your diet, lifestyle, and emotional equation being the most important of them.
So if your sex life has gone off the track, here are some simple tips that can help improve it.
Eat healthy: Mind what you put into your mouth
You've to be careful about your food intake, if you wish to make your sex life happening.
There are certain food items that can help enhance your sexual performance and libido. These include the likes of seafood, healthy meats, apples, garlic, and dark chocolate, among others.
On the other hand, food items like colas, alcohol, oily/processed foods might kill your sex drive.
Get active: Exercise regularly to enhance your sexual performance
While increasing your bedtime prowess might not be the reason you joined gym for, in the first place- but be assured that regular exercise can help improve your sexual performance.
That's because exercise leads to improved flexibility, controlled blood pressure, better mood, muscle strength and endurance, all of which help improve your performance under the sheets.
It may also enhance your libido.
Reduce stress: Try relaxing activities like yoga and meditation
If work deadlines keep you up at nights, there is a high possibility of increased cortisol levels in your body.
Cortisol is a major mood-killer and might harm testosterone and other hormonal production activity in body, keeping you from getting excited to do the deed.
Try relaxing activities like yoga and meditation to calm yourself down, and get your libido back on track.
Sleep: Get enough rest on a daily-basis
A common problem among couples is that after a long day at work, they might feel too tired for any action in the bedroom.
Sleep deprivation and sleeping disorders may also be responsible for your loss of interest in sex.
Get enough sound sleep each night, in order to maintain a healthy libido.
In case you can't find a solution, consult your doctor.
Lifestyle choices: Stay hydrated, check your medicines, quit smoking/drinking
Many health-deteriorating lifestyle choices are known to affect your sexual performance:
Dehydration: Known to induce headaches, dehydration can considerably lower your want to get going in bed. Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
Certain medications: Some of your prescriptions might also be the culprit. If so, talk to your doctor.
Smoking and drinking: Excessive smoking and drinking can harm your libido. Quit soon!
Don't worry about intercourse: Practise alternate forms of intimacy
Sometimes, taking focus off the climax can help.
Couples who feel a reduced sense of sexual desire over a period of time are advised to practise alternate forms of intimacy.
These could be anything from mutual massages to showering together, cuddling or even going on a date (why not?).
This can help improve the emotional equation between the partners, ultimately resulting in better sex.
Sexual communication: Talk about your sex life
Sexual communication is vital.
In many relationships, especially long-term ones, couples might start taking each other's likes and dislikes for granted. But unfortunately, that doesn't help.
It is imperative to consistently communicate about what you would and wouldn't like your partner to do, in bed. If done right, sexual communication will help you get more satisfying as well as safer sex.
Slow down: Try setting the mood before getting intimate
It is common sense that in long-term relationships and marriages, things are bound to get routine and monotonous. This implies that unlike new couples, you'll not always be in a mood for sex.
So, what a couple needs to do is try and set the mood before getting busy under the sheets.
Watching TV together, sitting for coffee, going for a walk can help.
Above all, remember to have fun
Last but not the least, remember that sex is not a competition with anyone. As long as you and your partner are happy with what you're doing in bed, that's all what matters. So, be playful and try new things- above all, just have fun.