Saying these things to your son can encourage toxic masculinity
What's the story
Parents may use certain phrases while talking to young boys which can inadvertently lead them to feel superior to women, and think that they have to be tough throughout life.
While there is a gradual transition in society to treat children equally, the use of certain unintentional patriarchial words and practices can affect a male child's mind.
Refrain from saying these to your sons.
Girly activities
'These are girly jobs'
Avoid gender stereotypes and teach your sons that a job cannot be classified by gender.
A child's mind is very simple; don't complicate it and imbibe the feeling of gender stereotype by differentiating between the colors pink and blue.
Instead, also offer them toys and activities that are otherwise meant for girls. Encourage them to read books or watch films featuring non-traditional gender roles.
'Boys don't cry'
Encourage boys to be expressive and teach them to openly express their feelings instead of reinforcing gender stereotypes by saying things like "Boys don't cry," or "You're acting like a girl."
According to a report, males who hide their emotions are more likely to be depressed and have suicidal thoughts.
Therefore, lend a listening ear and help your sons express emotions clearly and openly.
Household chores
'Men work outside and women work at home'
It is not necessary that a woman will only tackle household chores and a man will work outdoors to earn money. Both men and women can work a job and come back home together to share the household chores.
Therefore, teach your sons basic household chores like cooking, cleaning, or taking care of younger siblings.
Do not make them consider these feminine jobs.
Frustrated behavior
'Man up' or 'toughen up'
Never tell your son to "man up," or "toughen up" as these phrases can affect his behavior, making your son believe that he needs to be tough, aggressive, or violent to be a man.
Instead, remind him that he should not express anger and frustration in ways that are threatening to others.
Teach him about peaceful conflict resolution and encourage him to be caring.