Is your face producing excessive oil? Note these factors
What's the story
Have you ever been irked by the oily sheen on your face? Even worse, when it causes clogged pores and more acne breakouts?
Excessive face oil production can result from various factors, including hormonal changes, environmental conditions, and hereditary tendencies.
Let's delve into the details and gain a deeper understanding of these contributing factors, so you can adopt suitable skincare practices.
Genetics is one of the main determinants of facial oil production. Some people naturally produce more oil than others due to overactive sebaceous glands.
It's more likely that you will produce too much oil if your parents or other close family members have oily skin.
Growth hormones are also connected to the production of sebum and play a role in the emergence of acne.
Stress causes the bloodstream to overflow with stress hormones such as cortisol, which signals skin glands to produce more oil. This excess oil production led by stress can worsen acne breakouts.
By adopting stress-reducing practices and maintaining a balanced lifestyle, you can mitigate the impact of stress on your skin and promote clearer, healthier and more radiant skin.
Environmental factors
Environmental factors
Excessive oil production may also be influenced by environmental variables.
The sebaceous glands can be stimulated by hot, humid weather, which can result in excessive oil production.
In comparison to the dry winter months, the humid summer months may make you more prone to oily skin.
Additionally, being exposed to irritants like cigarette smoke and airborne particles can clog pores and make oiliness worse.
Improper diets
Improper diets
Sugar and simple carbohydrate-rich high-glycemic diets may cause an increase in sebum production. Simple carbohydrates may raise the body's growth hormone levels, which would result in more oil being produced.
Recent studies have discovered a connection between low-glycemic diets and a decrease in oil production.
Additionally, identify which foods cause acne on your face and try to avoid them in your diet.
Wrong skincare routine
Wrong skincare routine
The balance of the skin can be upset by using the incorrect skincare products or by an unsuitable routine. Over-exfoliating can also worsen oily skin.
Abrasive scrubs, alcohol-based toners, and harsh cleansers can deplete the skin's natural oils, which causes sebum production to rise.
A gentle washing regimen and the use of skincare products designed specifically for oily skin are vital.