Parinirvana Day 2023: Meaning, history, significance, and celebrations
What's the story
Observed on February 15 every year, Parinirvana Day or Nirvana Day commemorates the death of Lord Buddha when he attained complete nirvana at the age of 80.
The day is popularly celebrated as a Mahayana Buddhist holiday in the Philippines, Vietnam, and other parts of East Asia. Some countries celebrate the day on February 8 as well.
Read on to know more.
History of the day
Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal in the 6th century B.C.
During his growing years, he was touched by the suffering of life and death which made him give up worldly possessions.
He started meditating, adopted a sramana ascetic life, and embarked on a journey to find nirvana.
In Bodh Gaya, he attained awakening and became Buddha - the Enlightened One through deep meditation.
What is nirvana?
'Nirvana', which translates to "the blowing out," is interpreted as the extinguishment of the flame of personal desire. It is a release from the cycle of death and rebirth. Parinirvana, the ultimate nirvana, happens when the physical body of someone who has attained enlightenment dies.
Buddha started teaching 'Dharma' after attaining enlightenment
After becoming Buddha, he started teaching Dharma and trained nuns. Buddha also initiated monks into his order of Sangha. He asked his disciples to spread his teachings across the country.
He preached his first sermon to five ascetics and explained to them the Four Noble Truths and the Eight-Fold Path.
At the age of 80, he passed away after attaining ultimate nirvana - parinirvana.
How to celebrate the day
Meditation is a must among Buddhists on Parinirvana Day as it relaxes the mind and promotes positive thinking.
You can sit in a quiet place and meditate while focusing on your breathing.
You can also visit a Buddhist monastery, make donations and take part in the festivities.
Remember your deceased loved ones on this day and pray for their immortality.
Significance of Parinirvana Day
Parinirvana Day holds immense significance for the Buddhist community since it honors the enlightenment of Lord Buddha and his contribution to Indian culture.
The day teaches us that death is a normal part of life and everything is temporary which helps you accept the death of your loved ones, including your impending demise.
It teaches how by letting go you can achieve nirvana.