National Virtual Vacation Day: A trip like none other
What's the story
If you are also leading a busy life, like most of us, then a vacation is a must for you.
That's the only way to refresh your mind and health.
However, not everyone is lucky enough to get leaves, so the concept of virtual vacation was developed.
It is as it sounds; you don't actually travel to a place physically, but travel virtually.
History of Virtual Vacation Day
Terrance Zepke, a travel writer, began celebrating this day in 2016 on March 30.
Virtual Vacation Day is an amusing way to remind people that they don't necessarily have to wait for that "someday" to achieve their dream vacations.
The concept of virtual reality is the reason behind the development of virtual adventures.
Studies show vacations help promote our overall brain health.
How does it work?
You don't need to pack your bags, or check if your LPG is switched off before leaving, nor do you have to take leaves from work, or spend a lot of money on hotels and airfare.
Sounds unreal, right? That's exactly what it is.
Virtual reality headsets create a virtual experience; other ways to travel virtually include virtual reality apps and online virtual tours.
The future of travel?
You can travel and cover multiple places in one day which you could not in reality, as the time taken in travel can be skipped with a virtual vacation.
For example, you can travel to Rio De Janerio and Tanzania's wildlife safari on the same day.
You can also go sky diving, deep-sea diving, or even go to space via virtual travel.
How to plan a virtual vacation?
You can use apps like Ascape, or get a VR headset for a more realistic experience.
If you're simply looking for local travel but for some reason you cannot step out, you can check out the live feeds of zoos, it's adorable to watch animals simply living their lives.
So let's plan a trip somewhere fun this Virtual Vacation Day!