National Triglycerides Day 2023: Health risks, causes, and treatment
What's the story
Observed on March 28 every year, National Triglycerides Day is marked to aware people of the hidden risks of triglycerides and how they can take steps to take them down to healthy levels.
Triglycerides are a type of fat stored in your blood. High levels of triglycerides can cause several heart diseases.
It's important to maintain healthy levels of triglycerides for a healthy lifestyle.
What are triglycerides?
A type of lipid or waxy fat that flows in your blood, triglycerides offer energy to your body.
When you eat food, the calories which your body does not need right away are converted into triglycerides which get stored in your fat cells.
The triglycerides are released by hormones whenever you require energy. If you consume more carbohydrate-rich food, you may have high triglycerides.
Differences between cholesterol and triglycerides
Like cholesterol, triglycerides are also made in your liver and you get them from food.
They are different types of lipids or fats that circulate in your blood.
Cholesterol is a kind of lipoprotein that is used to build cells, generate vitamin D and produce hormones while triglycerides are a type of fat that offer your body energy by storing unutilized calories.
Triglyceride levels
Normal and high triglyceride levels
You need to conduct a simple blood test to understand if your triglyceride levels are healthy or not.
The test is called a lipid panel which tests your blood levels for total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides.
A normal triglyceride level is less than 150 milligrams per deciliter while 200-499 milligrams per deciliter is considered a high level of triglycerides.
Worrisome factors
Why high triglycerides can be worrisome?
High levels of triglycerides can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, or heart attack by hardening your artery walls.
There is also the risk of developing acute inflammation of the pancreas and liver disease due to extremely high triglycerides.
High triglycerides are usually caused if you are physically inactive or consume too much high-fat and sugary food items.
Natural ways
How to lower your triglyceride levels naturally?
While there are prescription medications available to treat the condition, adopting a healthy lifestyle can also help lower your triglyceride levels naturally.
Exercise regularly for at least 30 minutes to boost good cholesterol and lower triglycerides.
Maintain a healthy weight, choose healthier fats, and avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates.
Avoid trans fats or foods containing hydrogenated fats or oils and limit your alcohol intake.