National Pet Bird Day: How to care for your birdie
What's the story
September 17 marks National Pet Bird Day in the US.
It is an initiative put forward by the Bird Enjoyment and Advantage Koalition (yes it's BEAK!) to promote responsible and safe bird ownership.
Join the feathered fiesta by learning how to pamper your precious birdie. Let us ensure our winged pals enjoy a happy and healthy life!
Space: Make sure your bird's cage is bigĀ
The first thing you can do for them is to give them a large space to live.
Birds thrive in spacious cages and the general rule of thumb is that the width of the cage should be at least twice the wingspan of your bird.
Also, the cage bars shouldn't be too small and neither too big as it could hinder their movement.
Health: Offer them some freedom daily
Birds are meant to fly and keeping them locked in a cage for too long can take a toll on their health.
For a few hours daily, you must open the cage and let them fly around in the house. For safety, ensure the windows/doors are shut and ceiling fans are turned off.
Ensure they get proper sunlight and fresh air too.
Food: Know what and what not to feed
Feed your avian friend a variety of healthy foods daily so that they don't get bored with their meals as they can be picky.
A mix of seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and grains is the best diet, however, check with a veterinarian to know what may suit your bird as every species is different.
Don't feed them chocolate, avocado, caffeinated offerings, and salty foods.
Water: Offer them fresh water from time to time
Another important step is to offer them clean and fresh water daily. Make a habit of changing their water bowl twice a day so that they don't drink dirty/contaminated/germ-infested water. The container should be big, wide, and shallow so that they drink without any obstruction.
Activity: Give them some toys to play with
Sitting inside their cage all day long can bore them out. That's when toys come into the picture.
Many bird-safe toys and knick-knacks can keep them engaged, and entertained. This will also contribute to their good mental health.
Some of these include bells, frayed ropes, wires, ladders, etc.
Birds also love chewable toys made with pine cones and pine wood.
Hygiene: Birds usually love to bathe, especially during summers
In the summer season, most bird species love to bathe to keep themselves cool and rejuvenated. This also helps them stay hygienic and free from diseases.
While mostly they clean themselves using the water containers meant for drinking, you can spray some water on them to offer them a cooling sensation.
Hand showers (with low water pressure) can also be useful in this regard.