National Making Life Beautiful Day: Embrace joy and spread positivity
What's the story
"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain." These words of British author Vivian Greene, can really open your eyes to the beauty of life beyond all the daily stress and frustrations.
Today, June 11, is celebrated as "National Making Life Beautiful Day" in the US.
The day celebrates those who make others' life beautiful.
An invitation to people to live their best lives
This holiday was created by Apriori Beauty to support their product line for men and women in 2015. The name of the holiday strengthened the company's aim to make people feel beautiful.
People mostly interpreted the holiday to be an invitation to people to live their best lives and make life great for others.
Life's pretty short, so let's love it and live it.
Understanding the day
Little pieces of joy
This is an incredible holiday that can be celebrated and observed in so many ways that it is almost pointless to list them.
However, if a few pointers can have a positive influence on someone's life why not discuss them?
Only you know what makes you happy, so follow your heart, it doesn't have to be an elaborate plan or activity.
Be grateful
Practice gratitude
Being grateful isn't similar to the consolation of being in a better place than others.
It is about thanking the universe for all that you have and acknowledging the benefits you can reap from your life.
Nobody has everything, but you can make your life much more vibrant and joyful if you focus on the bright side and make do with what you have.
Admire beauty
Indulge in the art of beauty
Immerse yourself in your choice of art - music, painting, dance - or simply sit back and admire nature's wonders.
Donate to a beautiful cause, or support an artist by buying tickets to their show, or buying products they make.
Since the actual day began with beauty products, gift yourself something that'd make you feel pretty. Also, try and normalize men's grooming products.
Spread joy
Beautify someone's day
There are numerous ways to be kind and spread joy.
Compliment a stranger on your way to work.
Give a shoutout to a person on social media who is doing something beautiful for others.
Help out your family members with house chores, and share the burden.
Help a friend get closer to their dream or goal in life in whichever way you can.