Five tips to help you meditate well
What's the story
You have probably already heard a lot about it, but meditation is one of the most rewarding rituals out there. Among other benefits, it can help reduce stress, anxiety, improve heart health, immunity, and sleep quality.
Although meditation is one of the simplest exercises, it can get challenging, if not done right.
Here are five tips to help you meditate well.
Calm down before you sit
Shifting straight from a busy day at work to shutting everything down isn't quite practical.
So, take out some time to prepare for your daily meditation ritual.
Firstly, free your environment from any undue distractions. For instance, always put your phone on airplane/silent mode before meditating.
Also, consider warming your body up and performing simple breathing exercises before starting to meditate.
Choose a quiet place and stick to it
It is important to choose the right place to sit down and meditate.
Select a location that is quiet, comfortable, and free from distractions. This will naturally improve the quality of your meditation session. Also, ensure that you meditate at the same place every time.
You can also consider dedicating a separate room at your home for your daily meditation sessions.
What is the best time to meditate?
Although there is no "best" time for meditation, you should choose a time slot which suits your schedule and is also generally peaceful.
Also, stick to the same time slot for meditation daily, so that you don't ever miss out on your sessions.
It is also advisable to meditate on a relatively empty stomach, as you might feel drowsy/distracted when your stomach is full.
Sit straight, comfortable, and still
Sitting is the best way to meditate, as it facilitates conscious relaxation.
Start by sitting straight. You can also use chairs and pillows, but don't recline too much.
Do not adjust or change your position during your meditation sessions, unless it is absolutely necessary.
We say so because if you change your body posture constantly, it would distract your mind.
Once done, gently open your eyes
For deeper meditation, allow your breath to turn light and even.
Also, keep your eyes closed during your meditation session. This will help you focus on your breathing and not get distracted by the surroundings.
Once you are done meditating, do not rush getting up. Take a few moments, and then open your eyes slowly and gently.