Mastering balance with Bosu ball workouts
What's the story
Bosu balls, those half-sphere bouncy things, are actually a secret weapon for building balance, stability, and a super-strong core.
By adding Bosu ball exercises to your routine, you push your body out of its comfort zone.
This not only makes you fitter all-around but also helps prevent injuries down the line.
Read on to discover a variety of killer workouts that put the Bosu ball to good use.
Elevate your squats
Squats on a Bosu ball take things up a notch by adding the challenge of an unstable surface.
Start with the Bosu ball flat side up. Stand on it, feet hip-width apart.
Keeping your balance, lower into a squat.
This move not only hits your lower body harder than regular squats, but also fires up your core to keep you steady.
Boost core engagement
For a super intense core workout, perform planks with your forearms placed on the dome side of the Bosu ball.
Just make sure your body is aligned straight from head to heels.
The ball's instability makes your abs work extra hard to stabilize, which can significantly improve core strength and stability over time.
Enhance push-up intensity
Bosu ball push-ups pack a serious punch when it comes to boosting upper body strength.
Flip it so the dome side is down and hold onto the edges of the flat base to do push-ups that work your chest and arms.
This also challenges your core big time - you'll have to keep it engaged the whole time to stay stable!
Improve balance with lunges
Bosu ball lunges: This exercise enhances balance and coordination while more effectively targeting lower body muscles.
Stand on the Bosu ball with one foot at the dome's center. Step back into a lunge with the other foot.
The unstable surface amplifies muscle engagement in your legs and core, fostering stability and strength over time.
Hence, it is a crucial exercise for enhancing physical stability.