Five best Yoga asanas to enhance hair growth
What's the story
Everyone desires long, shiny, and strong hair.
But bad news is that with our increasingly packed work schedules, compromised sleep patterns, and unhealthy diets, our hair health is bound to take a toll.
However, know that Yoga, by enhancing blood flow to the scalp, removing toxins, and reducing stress, can help protect your hair.
Here are five best Yoga asanas to enhance hair growth.
Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward Dog Position
This pose will help improve blood flow to head, thus improving hair growth.
To perform it, start with the tabletop position, then raise your hips in a manner that your body forms an upside-down 'V' position against the floor.
Now, relax your head and neck, and draw your inner thighs to the back.
Take five to seven breaths. Relax, then repeat.
Pavanamuktasana or Wind Relieving Pose
Lie down on floor/mat, facing upwards. Inhale deeply.
Then, move one of your legs towards your chest, using your hand.
Exhale the air completely while you do so.
Hold the position for some time without breathing.
Relax and bring your leg back to its initial position. Inhale again.
Repeat the process with your other leg.
Perform a few reps regularly for better hair growth.
Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose
This pose can help reduce hair fall by improving blood circulation to your scalp.
To perform it, lie down straight on your back, with your feet clung together. Now, slowly lift your legs upwards to form a 90 degrees angle with your body.
You may support your back with your palms, by bending your elbows on the mat.
Perform a few repetitions daily.
Ustrasana or Camel pose
To perform this pose, sit on your knees so that your body remains straight, while your knees form a right angle.
Bend your spine backwards and touch the heels of your feet using your hands.
Next, arch your spine backwards and touch the heels of your feet with your hands.
Hold the position for a few seconds, then slowly return to the initial position.
#5: Vajrasana or Diamond Pose
To perform this simple pose, bend your knees and sit on your buttocks. Keep your feet as close as possible. Maintain a straight spine and neck. Keep your palms downward, facing your knees. Hold the pose for 2-10 minutes. Perform regularly for good hair growth.