Difference between latte, cappuccino, and macchiato
What's the story
Within the realm of coffee, there exists a myriad of options, each boasting its own distinctive flavor profile and brewing method.
Even for the most ardent coffee enthusiast, grasping the distinctions in ingredients, and caffeine content among popular drinks like cappuccinos, lattes, and macchiatos can be confusing.
While these three beverages may appear similar at first glance, distinct characteristics that set them apart.
Cappucino - equal parts
A cappuccino consists of a shot of espresso topped with steamed milk and milk foam.
The composition typically entails equal proportions of each component, resulting in a blend of approximately one-third espresso, one-third steamed milk, and one-third foamed milk.
This combination yields a final product characterized by a creamy, rich, and smooth taste and texture.
Cafe latte - mildly sweet
The term "cafe latte" means "coffee milk," highlighting coffee milk combination.
While there isn't a universal recipe for a latte, the typical method involves blending steamed milk with a single shot of espresso.
Occasionally, a thin layer of foam is added on top. Lattes are known for their mildly sweet flavor due to the higher proportion of steamed milk compared to other coffee beverages.
Macchiato - minimal milk
Traditionally, the macchiato is prepared by blending a shot of espresso with a little milk.
However, numerous variations exist, such as the latte macchiato, where a shot of espresso is poured into a glass of hot milk.
Due to its minimal milk content, the macchiato is much stronger compared to other coffee drinks. Moreover, it is typically served in smaller portions.
Lattes are known for their smooth and creamy texture due to the abundance of steamed milk. Cappuccinos have a denser and frothier consistency, thanks to the thick layer of foam.
Macchiatos have a more intense and robust texture, owing to their concentrated espresso base.
With only a minimal amount of milk or foam added, macchiatos offer a pure and unadulterated espresso experience.
Distinctive tastes
Lattes offer a mild and mellow coffee flavor, making them suitable for those who prefer a gentler taste.
Cappuccinos strike a balance between the richness of espresso and the creaminess of milk foam, satisfying both coffee lovers and those craving a velvety texture.
Macchiatos deliver a bold and intense coffee flavor, making them the go-to choice for espresso aficionados.