Strengthen your lower back with these kettlebell exercises
What's the story
Your lower back, the part between your ribs and buttocks, helps you stand upright.
It's important to keep it strong for your overall fitness and health.
And if you are up for a fun and effective challenge, grab a kettlebell and get ready for five awesome exercises that will power up your lower back strength like never before.
Kettlebell swings
Grab a kettlebell with both hands using an overhand grip.
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Bend hips and knees until the kettlebell is halfway between your legs and hands below the crotch.
Explosively extend hips and legs, swinging kettlebell to parallel arms.
Let weight fall between legs as hips and knees return to starting position.
Perform three sets of 10 reps each.
Good morning
Kettlebell good morning
Hold a kettlebell with your hands and stand with feet shoulder-width apart.
Keep the kettlebell behind your head, elbows pointing forward.
Push hips back, slightly bend knees to lean torso forward until chest is parallel to the ground, feeling the hamstring stretch.
Hold for a few seconds, then slowly return to standing.
Maintain a neutral spine throughout.
Complete three sets of 10 reps each.
Bird dog
Kettlebell bird dog
Place a kettlebell in front of you.
Sit on your knees, hands under shoulders, keeping your back flat.
Brace your abs and grab the kettlebell with an overhand grip using your left hand, palm down.
Raise your left arm and right leg simultaneously until parallel to the ground.
Hold for a few seconds, and return to starting position.
Repeat steps for the opposite side.
Kettlebell Romanian deadlift
Stand upright with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a kettlebell in your hands.
Keep your arms straight, palms inward, and back straight.
Push back the hips and slightly bend your knees, lowering your torso until your chest is parallel to the floor.
Pause for a few seconds, then push through your feet to extend hips and stand up.
Perform three sets of five reps each.
Glute bridge
Kettlebell glute bridge
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the mat.
Place a kettlebell on your hips.
Brace your core, hips, and glutes.
Lift your hips off the floor as high as you can, squeezing the low back muscles.
Hold for a few seconds, then lower your hips back down. That's one rep.
Complete three sets of 10 repetitions.