International Day of Yoga: Asanas to get rid of backache
What's the story
With more and more people getting used to a sedentary lifestyle, many are developing backache at young ages.
The more we sit and work, the more we increase our risk of backache.
There are a variety of yoga asanas to help you rid your body of such aches and pains with proper practice.
Try these five asanas and see the difference.
Pose 1
Balasana (Child's Pose)
Balasana, known as the child's pose, is very relaxing.
Put your knees together and sit on your heels.
Slightly get up and form the table position by resting on all four limbs.
Exhale and lower your hips on the heels and let your forehead touch the floor.
Rest your arms palm down on the floor over your head, or leave them alongside your body.
Pose 2
Marjaryasana-Bitilasana (Cat-Cow Pose)
Get comfortable on all fours on the floor.
While exhaling, curve your spine up outward, relax the neck with your head down, and try to look at your abdomen.
While inhaling, curve your spine inward, from the arch position to the dip position, and pull your neck back up.
The cat-cow pose strengthens your spine and also improves the blood flow in your spine.
Pose 3
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose)
This pose opens your shoulders and chest, strengthens your back, and stretches your hips and thighs.
Lie on your back with folded knees. Your feet must be wide apart and right below your knees.
Inhale, press down with your heels, and lift your thighs and buttocks while keeping the thighs parallel.
Exhale and lower to the floor. Rest your back in a neutral state.
Pose 4
Adho Mukha Savasana (Downward-Facing Dog)
Place your palms flat under your wrists and your knees under your hips.
Pressing into your hands, push off with your toes and lift up your heels, pushing your pelvis upward.
With a slight bend in your knees stretch your spine.
Distribute your weight evenly and position your head in line with your arms.
Hold this pose for up to one minute.
Pose 5
Apanasana (Knees to Chest)
For this pose, lie down flat on your back
Gradually bring both your knees up to your chest, while inhaling.
Exhale and hug your knees close to your torso.
Now, slowly rock your torso side to side while you firmly hold onto your legs.
This relaxing supine asana is often performed at the end of a yoga practice sequence.