Why chronic immunological and neurological diseases awareness day matters
What's the story
International Awareness Day for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases (CIND) is observed on May 12 to help people recognize certain diseases (related to immunity and other neuro issues) and to make them understand their seriousness.
CIND includes myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/ chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia (FM), multiple chemical sensitivities (MCS), and Gulf War syndrome (GWS).
Let us get an understanding of CIND in detail.
Significance of the awareness day
Tom Hennessy Jr., an advertising executive battled a severe case of ME/CFS. He decided to declare May 12 as its awareness day after learning about the disease's lack of understanding and awareness.
May 12 was chosen as it coincided with the birth date of Florence Nightingale, the English army nurse and creator of modern nursing.
Nightingale was believed to have suffered from ME/CFS illness.
What is Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases
ME/CFS is a chronic illness that causes muscle pain due to inflammation in the brain and the spinal cord.
FM is a syndrome of widespread pain, aching and stiffness of muscles, often accompanied by fatigue, sleep disturbances, and multiple tender points.
MCS is an acquired environment-linked condition and is sometimes associated with other CIND diseases.
need for awareness
Need for awareness
Bringing awareness to CIND is important as the diseases are often misunderstood.
The diseases are considered invisible. And thus people who live with these conditions can appear physically healthy but must be leading debilitating lives.
Additionally, there are a large set of people suffering from these disorders.
Blue, purple, and green ribbons are used as a symbol to support the cause.
Symptoms for chronic immunological and neurological diseases are complex and could vary from one patient to another.
Under ME/CFS, patients suffer from unexplained recurrent physical and mental fatigue, and muscle and joint pain with neurological and cognitive manifestations.
Symptoms for fibromyalgia could begin after trauma, surgery, infection, or stress.
People having MCS might be sensitive to different pollutants/chemicals including solvents, perfumes, petrol, and smoke.
Bring in lifestyle changes
Medical treatment and patient self-care with healthy lifestyle behavior can help to cope better with CNID.
Regular exercise, proper relaxation and sleep, good dietary habits, avoidance of specific known environmental aggravators, cognitive behavior therapy, and pharmacological treatment work towards managing the symptoms of CIND.
Make sure to consult a physician if you find any symptoms as these may cause major impairment if undiagnosed.