5 human foods that are safe for dogs
What's the story
Know how when you eat your dinner, and your dog gives you that puppy-eyed look pleading to eat from your plate?
Well, that's every pet owner's story. No matter what we eat they want to try it even if they've just had their meal!
While most human foods are unsafe for pets, there are some foods that you can safely feed them.
Coconut is rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber and has lauric acid, which helps combat bacteria and viruses.
It is also great for getting rid of bad breath and dealing with skin conditions like hot spots and flea allergies.
However, do not let your dog chew on the coconut husk or scratch around, as the thin fibers can get lodged in their throat.
Cooked eggs are safe and nutritious for dogs, as they provide vitamins, minerals, and lots of protein.
However, avoid giving raw eggs to your doggo.
Even though dogs do not generally fall sick from eating raw eggs, bacteria, such as Salmonella, can spread from dogs to their owners, not something we'd like.
Raw egg whites consumption can also contribute to biotin deficiency.
Meats and fishes
Fish is rich in good fats and amino acids and hence, healthy for your pooch, especially salmon and sardines.
They can also eat fully cooked shrimps, but with the tail and shell removed. Meats like chicken, turkey, mutton are are also fine.
Processed meats, such as ham, are fine in moderation as they contain high amounts of salt.
Packed with nutrients like vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and K, calcium, potassium, copper, magnesium, and antioxidants, honey can be fed to your canine friend in small amounts.
Honey introduces small amounts of pollen into your dog's body, helping build immunity and shielding it against allergens.
However, diabetic dogs and overweight dogs should not be given honey.
Carrots aren't just a bunny's favorite snack, many dogs love them too both in raw and cooked form.
The carrots you give your furry friend should be cut into bite-sized pieces to make sure there's no choking.
Carrots are a great snack, as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fibers, but low in calories. They also clean off plaque from the dog's teeth.