5 mistakes that slow down your metabolism
What's the story
Fashion designer Manish Malhotra once said that Kareena Kapoor Khan loves her pizza and her great metabolism ensures that it vanishes in her body.
If you have been trying to lose weight, you probably already know how important good metabolism is. But you might be guilty of committing some grave errors, which hinder your progress instead.
Here are a few such mistakes to avoid.
Why does it matter?
We live in a day and age where body positivity matters. So being slim or fat is irrelevant and shouldn't be a point of concern.
But we cannot ignore the fact that health matters. You can be slim, sleek but unhealthy, and you can be chubby and yet healthy.
So, mindful eating is what you should instead be focusing on.
Skimping on breakfast is a big no-no
There is a reason why breakfast is called the most important meal of the day. Your body has literally been starving the entire night and it needs energy to kick-start the metabolic process.
You would be amazed to know that a hearty breakfast helps burn calories throughout the day.
Additionally, you can avoid developing diabetes and heart diseases and keep obesity at bay.
Not including proteins in your daily meals
Protein is the keyword for achieving and maintaining a healthy body. Load your plate with protein-rich food, starting with breakfast. Proteins significantly increase the rate at which your body burns calories as compared to fat and carbohydrates.
Studies indicate that metabolism temporarily increases by about 20-30% when you consume proteins.
Higher protein intake leads to a consistent metabolic rate in your weight loss journey.
Sitting too much and not taking enough 'walking' breaks
You have probably heard that sitting is the new smoking. It can lead to high blood pressure, increased sugar levels, excess weight gain, etc.
A sedentary lifestyle also slows down your metabolism considerably.
Even if you are unable to insert a dedicated exercise regime into your routine, simple things like taking the stairs or walking while talking on the phone can help boost metabolism.
Stand up and walk!
A study showed that sitting for over eight hours daily without any kind of physical activity poses a death risk similar to that posed by obesity and smoking. So do yourself a favor — stand up and take a walk!
Not getting enough sleep
Studies suggest that sleeping four hours or less at night makes you crave carbohydrate-rich foods, thus leading to weight gain.
For a good night's sleep, ditch your phone at least an hour before your sleep time, as exposure to screen affects the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps with the circadian rhythm.
Grandma's formula of a glass of warm milk also helps immensely.
Drinking sweetened beverages
This one is a no-brainer. No matter what fancy soda ads promise, packaged drinks will not do you any good.
They are loaded with sugar and you don't need us to tell you that too much sugar will wreck your body.
No need to say that your metabolism will go for a toss and your body will become a haven for multiple diseases.