Got makeup stain on your clothes? Try these hacks
What's the story
When you apply makeup on your face, you also carry the risk of smudging it.
Makeup mishaps can be particularly troublesome if it stains your precious dress. That's also the reason why trial room attendees frown watching you enter with a white dress.
There's no escaping these fabric stains, but there are hacks you can try to remove them. Check out these options.
Method 1
Shaving creams
Given that shaving creams are designed to remove oil, they can remove foundation stains from clothing.
Leave the cream on the fabric for about 10 minutes before rinsing it with cold water or tossing it in the washing machine.
This technique typically works to remove any oil-based product including lipsticks, liquid eyeshadows or serums.
Method 2
Rubbing alcohol
Rub the makeup stain with a cotton ball or washcloth tip that has been dipped in rubbing alcohol.
Due to alcohol's ability to dissolve greasy and waxy stains, it is particularly good for removing lipstick stains.
If you don't have rubbing alcohol, you can also try acetone or nail polish remover.
Make sure not to directly touch the alcohol or the acetone.
Method 3
Blow drier
Any type of loose powder you use on your face has the potential to spill onto your clothing and become prominent, especially against dark-colored clothes.
Any attempt to remove it results in a smeared mess that becomes more obvious than the original powder spots.
Instead, pick up a hair dryer. You can proceed by using it to blow the powder away from the fabric.
Method 4
The cautious application of bleach can help if you remove a stain on something white that is otherwise really difficult to get rid of.
Use a cotton swab to gently dab some bleach onto the garment's backside of the stained area.
The fabric should then be placed face-down. Avoid pressing down or rubbing against the fabric.
Wash it after the stain is treated.
Method 5
Soap and water
You can still attempt to remove a makeup stain even if all you have on hand is soap and water. Dab a small amount of cold water and soap on the discolored and soiled areas.
By rubbing the fabric against itself, you can effectively erase the stain.
Alternatively, you can also opt to cleanse it with dishwashing liquid or soap.