Master the art of finding joy in little things
What's the story
Joy is a feeling that can be evoked in an instant.
It's a delightful reaction to the events or things around us.
People often throw around "find joy in little things," but rarely do they realize how to.
Finding joy in the littlest of things is an art that needs practice.
Here we will tell you how to master this art. Read on.
Find a sense of purpose
"What is the purpose of my life here in this very physical world?" is a never-ending question we often ask ourselves.
But rarely do people have a concrete answer.
Every person on this planet lives by their own definition of life or a lack thereof.
Find your own meaning and purpose. It may not be a cakewalk but do ruminate over this perennial question.
Take out time to follow your passion
Our responsibilities have had us running in the endless cycle of waking up, eating, working, sleeping, and repeating.
Find at least 15 minutes a day for an activity you are passionate about.
It can be sketching portraits, helping out the needy, or playing a sport.
When you have a passion, you will gain a purpose in your life. The joy will follow!
Comfort zone
Challenge your status quo
Days can become monotonous when all you do is just follow your routine.
Add some excitement to it by working toward a new personal goal - something that challenges you and pulls you out of your comfort zone.
Engaging yourself in interesting and meaningful things gives you a sense of achievement.
Gaining this sense of achievement can keep your happy hormones high.
Be present in the moment
We are so perennially stuck either in the thoughts of the past or planning for the future that we forget to be in the moment.
Life is here, now, in the present moment. Joy comes from being present in the moment.
When you start living in the now, you rid yourself of the regrets of the past and the worries of the future.
Embrace the nature
Taking a walk under the open sky, underneath the shadows of the trees with the breeze rushing through your hair can heavily influence your mood.
Life in an urban setting has made it difficult for us to connect with nature.
But taking out a few hours to embrace nature can go a long way in training your mind to find the joys of life.