How to prevent and fight acidity
What's the story
If you experience heartburn, nausea, excessive burping, sour or bitter taste in the throat, or bloating frequently, then you might be suffering from acidity or acid reflux.
Acidity can occur due to various factors including increased intake of spicy foods, carbonated drinks, obesity, citrus fruits, and medications.
Here are five ways to prevent and fight acidity and lead a good healthy lifestyle.
Here is what our expert says
Gastroesophageal reflux disease aka hyperacidity occurs due to acid escaping from the stomach into the esophagus due to a loose lower esophageal sphincter.
Food that can neutralize the acid i.e. alkaline food and those that absorb the acid, reduce the reflux.
High fiber and mineral items such as oatmeal, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds are good for reducing acid reflux.
Maintain a healthy weight
Maintaining a moderate weight helps to prevent symptoms of acidity and other health issues.
Excess belly fat can cause hiatal hernia by increasing the pressure in your abdomen which can push the lower esophageal sphincter upwards, away from the support of the diaphragm.
Hiatal hernia can cause gastroesophageal reflux disease, heartburn, or acidity.
So, exercise regularly and eat healthy to maintain a moderate weight.
Try chewing gum
Did you know that chewing gum can help to reduce symptoms of acidity and freshen your breath?
Well, chewing gum can help to increase the production of saliva in your mouth which helps the food to move through the esophagus and clear the stomach acid.
Chew a gum that contains bicarbonate to neutralize the acids and prevent acid reflux and heartburn.
Avoid late night dinner
If you are suffering from acidity, it's recommended you have your dinner at least three hours before bedtime.
Lying down horizontally after having a meal can make digestion more difficult and trigger acidity symptoms.
A review showed that people who consumed a late-night meal and slept after it experienced a 5% increase in acid exposure than those who finished eating early in the evening.
Eat small meals more frequently
You can experience more acid reflux into your esophagus if your stomach is full and bloated.
So, avoid eating one or two large meals in a day and opt for small meals more frequently to prevent symptoms of acid reflux and satiate your hunger as well.
Also, load your plates with alkaline foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, unsweetened yogurt, beans, and whole grains.
Avoid alcohol
Drinking alcohol can make your symptoms of heartburn and acidity worse and cause various diseases.
Alcohol increases the production of acid in your stomach that can wear away your stomach lining and cause gastritis which can lead to inflammation and pain.
It also relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter and weakens the ability of the esophagus to clean the acid, elevating the acid reflux symptoms.