Healthy Foods: News

25 Sep 2023

Health & Wellness

Noni juice: Why you should include it in your diet

Noni juice is derived from the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree and is known to be a healthy, natural beverage.

22 Sep 2023

Health & Wellness

Ever heard of wild ramp? It offers these health benefits

A wild ramp is a species of onion that has a white bottom and large, broad green leaves at the top.

21 Sep 2023

Health & Wellness

Here's why you should add leeks to your daily diet

Leek is a tall and straight vegetable that is used in a variety of cuisines around the world.

20 Sep 2023


Did you know these amazing health benefits of Karonda

Karonda, which is a popular monsoon fruit, is abundant with nutrients like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and dietary fiber.

19 Sep 2023


Make your breakfast healthy with these high-fiber Indian dishes

Do you often find yourself feeling hungry soon after breakfast? Well, that could be because your morning meal may lack sufficient fiber.

15 Sep 2023

Health & Wellness

Try these high-protein Indian breakfast options for healthy mornings

Protein is one powerful nutrient that plays a major role when it comes to both weight loss and muscle gain.

13 Sep 2023

Health & Wellness

Try these low-carb Indian breakfasts for a healthy day

Calling all health freaks! If you crave Indian food for breakfast but also can't cheat your fitness goals, we have got you sorted.

13 Sep 2023

Health & Wellness

Health benefits of seaweed that you probably didn't know

Surprising as it may sound, seaweed is loaded with minerals that the human body can easily break down.

11 Sep 2023


Did you know you can make flour using these vegetables

When it comes to food, people around the world are switching to more wholesome, gluten-free, and vegan options.

08 Sep 2023


Make flour using mango, apple, banana, coconut, and pumpkin

Who said fruits can only be used to make salads, juices, and desserts? Well, not sure if you know but you can also rope them into making flours!

08 Sep 2023

Fitness and Health

Here's why you should drink beetroot juice before your workout

Packed with a wide array of nutrients and powerful compounds, beetroot juice is a go-to dose of nutrition for many, especially those who love working out.

07 Sep 2023


5 flavorful Nepalese recipes everyone must try once

Combining a unique blend of sweet, spicy flavors, and aromatic ingredients, Nepal's cuisine bears influences from Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan culinary traditions.

05 Sep 2023


Ditch dairy: 5 vegan milk options for the lactose intolerant

As more individuals adopt plant-based diets for ethical, environmental, and health reasons, vegan milk is gaining popularity now.

04 Sep 2023


Blooming health: Remarkable benefits of edible flowers

Flowers have long been prized for their beauty and scent. Beyond just being beautiful, these tiny blooms may enrich your diet with new flavors, textures, and nutrients.

03 Sep 2023


Indian food traditions: A comprehensive guide

India, a country with many different cultures, languages, and geographical features, has a rich and varied culinary legacy.

02 Sep 2023


Delicious ways to enjoy these 5 millet varieties

Millets are considered ancient grains that were cultivated even before other grains like wheat. Millets can grow even in harsh conditions where less hardy grains cannot.

01 Sep 2023


Suffering from diabetes? These nuts help manage blood sugar levels

Diabetes, one of the most well-known and common "silent killers" existing today, has several people young and old suffering from it.

31 Aug 2023


Types of salads you would love to have

Salads have evolved from being only a side dish to becoming the main event on dinner tables all around the world.

31 Aug 2023


What's inside 100g of pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds, often face an unfortunate fate as they are typically discarded without a second thought.

30 Aug 2023

Health & Wellness

Deconstructing detox diets: Separating science from gimmicks

Detox diets have sparked curiosity and controversy within the health and wellness realm. Despite claims of eliminating toxins from the body and enhancing health, these diets lack a scientific foundation.

30 Aug 2023


How your morning meal sets the tone for the day

The reason the statement "breakfast is the most important meal of the day" continues to be relevant is that it carries a significant truth.

29 Aug 2023


Onam: Here's a breakdown of the irresistible Onasadya

Onam, one of the main festivals enjoyed in Kerala is famous for its pookalam (floral carpet), and wearing the traditional attires, typically saree or dhoti.

27 Aug 2023

Health & Wellness

Never drink water immediately after eating these fruits

Most of us have a childhood habit of drinking water immediately after consuming meals. Many even do so after eating fruits that are already rich in water content.

26 Aug 2023

Health & Wellness

Mediterranean lifestyle can boost health and longevity, says study

A recent study of 1,10,799 UK participants has found that adopting a Mediterranean lifestyle can lead to improved health and longevity.

25 Aug 2023


Superfoods that help you sleep better

Getting a good night's sleep today has become a challenge for many, all thanks to our fast-paced work culture and predominantly sedentary lifestyle.

24 Aug 2023


Vitamin E deficiency: Foods to stay healthy

Vitamin E is one of the most essential nutrients for the human body, for it ensures good health of your brain, blood, skin, and reproduction.

24 Aug 2023


Here is why you should eat okra regularly

Popularly called "lady's finger," okra is a flowering plant that is best grown in warm climates.

21 Aug 2023


Boost your kidney's health with these foods 

Kidneys are essential for keeping us healthy, but we often overlook them.

15 Aug 2023

Health & Wellness

Top foods to boost your good cholesterol

Our body has two main types of cholesterol: high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and low-density lipoprotein (LDL), which are often dubbed as "good" and "bad" cholesterol, respectively.

11 Aug 2023

Health & Wellness

Health benefits of rajgira, a lesser-known Indian superfood

Rajgira, also known as ramdana, is a lesser-known Indian superfood that scores incredibly high on protein.

09 Aug 2023


How eating insects could help save the planet

We usually think of animals and plants as our main protein sources, but there's another source that's not so famous yet: insects.

07 Aug 2023

Health & Wellness

Conjunctivitis: Foods that foster healing from this eye infection

Conjunctivitis cases continue to surge in India, with loads of cases being reported daily from different parts of the country.

04 Aug 2023


Avoid these common mistakes when eating fruits

When it comes to fitness and health, fruits are the go-to source of nutrition for almost everyone.

03 Aug 2023


Overcome iron deficiency with these foods

Our body needs a good amount of iron for several functions right from making hemoglobin to creating myoglobin that supports muscles with oxygen.

07 Mar 2021

Health & Wellness

#HealthBytes: 4 benefits of green almonds

Green almonds are essentially unripe almonds that are soft with a delicate nutty flavor.

05 Aug 2020

Health & Wellness

5 health benefits of consuming raw sprouts

Sprouted seeds are nutrition powerhouses packed with essential nutrients, offering numerous benefits for our health and wellness.

27 Apr 2020

Health & Wellness

6 reasons why papaya is good for health

Papaya is not only nutritionally rich but is also among the most delicious fruits.

26 Mar 2019

Fitness and Health

#HealthBytes: Why you should start consuming lauki (bottle gourd) juice

Bottle gourd, known as lauki in Hindi, is a common vegetable used in Indian cuisine.