HealthBytes: News
26 Jul 2019
Health & Wellness#HealthBytes: Want to boost sexual health? Have these healthy drinks
A healthy and fulfilling sex life is essential for a couple's mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
26 Jul 2019
IndiaFive healthy snacks to satisfy evening hunger pangs
With increasingly fast-paced lifestyles and busier work schedules, people nowadays have less and less time to eat at leisure. That's why, snacking comes as a natural habit to a lot of us.
26 Jul 2019
IndiaHealth tips to follow during the seasonal weather change period
The monsoon is here.
25 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessWhat causes sudden anger in your cat?
Your cat deserves only the best.
24 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: All you need to know about the Viagra pill
One of the most popular (and controversial) drugs in the history of medicine is the much-debated Viagra pill.
24 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessLactose intolerant? Here are five healthy milk substitutes for you
In the simplest of terms, Lactose intolerance is the body's inability to digest natural sugar found in dairy items like milk.
22 Jul 2019
IndiaWhat should you feed your beloved cat
We get it if you want to share all your delicacies with your cat, after all who can say no to that cute smile?
22 Jul 2019
Tabu#HealthBytes: Top online resources to learn about sex
If one goes by history, it is clear that relying on schools to teach you or your teenagers sex education is a bad idea.
22 Jul 2019
IndiaFive common myths about sugar, busted!
Love it or hate it, but you cannot ignore it - sugar is one such ingredient that has earned a mixed reputation, at best.
21 Jul 2019
IndiaFive food items to avoid during monsoon
Although the monsoon is sure to offer some much-needed respite from the scorching summer heat, it could still be a tricky time for your health.
19 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessFive Yoga asanas to improve your libido
A satisfying sex life is crucial for a couple's overall emotional, physical, and mental well-being.
19 Jul 2019
IndiaFive health precautions to take during the rainy season
Although the monsoon season is sure to offer some much-needed respite from the scorching summer heat, it could be a tricky time for your health.
18 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessFive myths about carbohydrates, busted!
When you are trying to lose weight, you are bound to get confronted with wildly varying opinions and advices about carbohydrates.
18 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessFive must-have apps for every dog parent out there
It shouldn't come off as a surprise when we tell you that there is a plethora of apps meant exclusively for your pooch.
17 Jul 2019
Monsoon#HealthBytes: Six healthy foods for the rainy season
Although the monsoon season is sure to offer some much-needed relief from the scorching summer heat, it could still be a tricky time for your health.
17 Jul 2019
TennisWondering what Roger Federer eats and drinks? Find out here
Even at 37, Tennis legend Roger Federer is fit enough to give young lads of the sport a serious run for their money.
16 Jul 2019
Health & Wellness#HealthBytes: Five myths about sleeping, busted!
If you are going to spend one-third of your lifetime sleeping, you might as well do it right.
15 Jul 2019
Health & Wellness8 foods you should never feed your dog
We get it if you want to share all your delicacies with your dog, after all who can say no to that cute little creature? But know that it's not always a wise thing to do.
15 Jul 2019
IndiaConstipated? Here are five easy home remedies
Constipation is a common digestive problem.
14 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessHere's how papaya can help you lose weight
Losing and maintaining weight is a long term process, that requires healthy dietary and lifestyle choices.
14 Jul 2019
Health & WellnessFive health-problems to mind, if you have an old dog
Just like yourself and everyone around, your doggy is also growing old.
14 Jul 2019
Health & Wellness#HealthBytes: Five myths about lactose intolerance, busted!
Many people tend to avoid dairy products.
12 Jul 2019
IndiaFive ways you are (unknowingly) cutting short your dog's life
Your dog deserves only the best.
12 Jul 2019
IndiaVegan Keto diet: What to eat, what to avoid
You have probably already heard of the Ketogenic diet, one of the hottest diet buzzwords.
11 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: Five common myths about sex, debunked!
A natural, biological aspect of human existence, sex should ideally be seen as a healthy part of life.
11 Jul 2019
IndiaFive myths about tea, debunked!
Tea is one of the most popular drinks around the world, in fact, the second most consumed, next only to the essential water. Also, it is loaded with many health-boosting benefits.
10 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: Five healthy and delicious Keto breakfast recipes
If you happen to be a weight-watcher, you have probably already heard of the Ketogenic diet, one of the hottest diet buzzwords.
10 Jul 2019
IndiaFive things that might be activating your pet's allergies
Your pet deserves only the best.
09 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: Five habits to improve your sexual performance
A healthy and satisfying sex life is crucial for a couple's overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.
09 Jul 2019
IndiaFive tips to get naturally shiny and strong teeth
Your mouth is the first gateway that your food (and thus all your nutrition) passes through. And for that very reason, maintaining good oral hygiene becomes vital for your overall well being.
09 Jul 2019
IndiaHealth Bytes: Five food items that regulate blood sugar levels
Unfortunately, diabetes is growing rapidly in India, with around 72 million cases recorded in 2017 itself.
08 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: Five risky sexual practices, and how to prevent them
A satisfying and safe sex life is crucial for a couple's overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.
08 Jul 2019
IndiaFive common myths about eating meat, busted!
There is a lot of talk around meat eating.
07 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: Five simple ways to use broccoli in your dishes
A popular green veggie, Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients and offers various health benefits.
07 Jul 2019
India#HealthBytes: What happens when you stop having sex
A satisfying sex life results in overall emotional, physical, and mental well-being of couples.
07 Jul 2019
IndiaHealth Bytes: Five common myths about eggs, cracked!
Nutritious and convenient, eggs are one of the most commonly consumed foods across the world. And for good reason!
07 Jul 2019
IndiaHere's what you should and shouldn't eat during pregnancy
Pregnancy is a profound life experience for a woman, physiologically, as well as psychologically. Thus, staying healthy should be the top priority for any mother-to-be out there.
06 Jul 2019
Health & Wellness#HealthBytes: Five things you should do right after sex
A healthy and satisfying sex life is crucial for a couple's overall mental, physical, and emotional well-being.
06 Jul 2019
MonsoonHealth Bytes: Six must-have foods during the monsoon season
Although the monsoon season is sure to offer some much-needed relief from the scorching summer heat, it could still be a tricky time for your health.