#HealthBytes: 5 yoga asanas that can help diabetics
What's the story
There are medicines for keeping diabetes in check.
But if one wants to improve the function of the pancreas, which is essential for controlling diabetes, there are no medicines. There are some yoga asanas, however, that can improve the functioning of the organ by strengthening it, which can in turn help regulate insulin.
And hence, regular practice of such asanas can be beneficial.
Kapalbhati (Pranayam)
Sit comfortably with your spine upright. Place your hands on the knees with palms opened upwards.
Take a deep breath in. As you exhale, pull your navel back in towards the spine. When you relax your navel and abdomen, your breath will flow into your lungs automatically.
Take 20 such breaths to complete one round of Kapalbhati Pranayam.
Repeat the round two more times.
Vrikshasana, the tree pose
Firstly, stand straight. Now, bring your right foot to your left thigh, with right toe pointing downwards.
Join your palms and bring them to the middle of your chest with fingers pointing upwards. Slowly, raise your arms over your head. Keep your arms slightly bent and look ahead for about 10 seconds.
Reverse the process back to starting position. Repeat with the other leg.
Halasana, the plow pose
Lie down on your back and place your palms beside your body.
Now, lift your legs up 90 degrees. Allow your legs to fall back behind your head, while lifting your middle and lower back. Touch the floor with your toes.
Bring your chest as close to your chin as possible. Hold the asana for a while and slowly reverse back.
Ardha Matsyendrasana, half lord of the fishes pose
Sit and fold your right leg, keeping the heel under left hip. Bend your left leg, placing your foot near right knee.
Keep your left hand on the floor. While inhaling, raise your right hand. As you exhale, cross that arm to hold the right big toe, turning your trunk and head towards left.
Reverse back to starting position. Repeat from the other side.
Dhanurasana, the bow pose
Lie face down with your arms stretched parallel to your hips. Bend your legs and bring the heels close to the hips. Hold the ankles with your hands.
Take a deep breath, gently lift your chest upwards, pull up your legs, and look up. Stay in this pose for 30 seconds and keep breathing.
While exhaling, bring the body down and relax.