#HealthBytes: Yoga asanas that help clear sinus and cold
What's the story
The sinuses are small cavities behind the forehead, nose, and cheekbones. A sinus infection is a common condition that causes inflammation in the sinuses and nasal passages.
The infection, caused by a virus or other microorganisms, usually goes away within a week. However, it can be uneasy and painful to experience.
If you have a sinus infection, these asanas will help clear the sinuses.
Anulom-vilom pranayama
Sit with your spine erect in a cross-legged position. Now, close the right nostril with your thumb and inhale deeply through the left nostril for four counts. Focus on your breathing.
Slowly release your right nostril while closing the left nostril with the ring finger. Exhale from the right nostril over eight counts.
Repeat this 10-12 times on each nostril.
Matsyasana or the fish pose
Lie on your back with feet together and hands kept on the side.
Inhale, and slowly lift the head and chest.
While keeping the chest in the same position, lower the head behind you to touch the floor.
Gently breath in and out. Hold this pose till you begin to feel uncomfortable.
Relax and come back to the starting position.
Purvottanasana or the upward plank pose
Sit on a mat with legs stretched in front of you, hands behind your hips, and palms facing downward.
Now, lift your hips off the mat, looking upwards by balancing on your hands and feet. Your body should be in a straight line from head to toe.
Hold the pose for about 30 seconds. Relax and come back to starting position.
Sarvangasana or the shoulder stand
Lie down on your back and lift both your legs towards the ceiling.
Support your back with your hands and lift your hips and back off the floor. Breathe normally.
Hold this position for 30 seconds and increase the duration as you move forward.
Now, release your hands and bring back your legs and body to the starting position, and relax.