#HealthBytes: Here's everything you have to know about art therapy
What's the story
Art therapy is a creative process that promotes healing in an individual.
Since art is a form of self-expression, a therapy centered around that helps people who suffer from pain, cognitive disorders, and other ailments and helps them develop new ways to focus on well-being.
The sessions are mentored by a professional, who uses art and communication to improve someone's mental and emotional situation.
Involves various forms of art like drawing, painting, clay art
This therapy basically involves various forms of art such as drawing, painting, clay art, sculpting, doodling, and scribbling to name a few.
The artist uses their own creations to let out and analyze conflicts and issues that may be affecting their emotions and behavior.
Since art therapy is not age-bound, the sessions can be attended by individuals across all age groups.
The many benefits of attending art therapy sessions
Art therapy is known to help those who have faced traumatic incidents.
Through this, people suffering from anxiety, eating disorders, and substance abuse can also get a better understanding of themselves.
Individuals, who lack social skills, may also benefit from this therapy.
Notably, art therapy is often used along with other forms of therapy to treat individuals suffering from mental and emotional disorders.
Therapists pick up on symbols that are difficult to express
The therapy sessions are guided by a professional, who first perceives an individual's emotional conflicts and helps them with their issues through guided sessions and communication.
Eventually, a successful session can restore normalcy in their lives.
Art therapists also pick up on nonverbal symbols that are usually difficult to express with words and help the individuals analyze their hidden conflicts and other perturbing factors.
You don't have to be talented to attend art therapy
Do remember that art therapy sessions are for anyone and one need not know anything related to art to attend these sessions.
Also, in art therapy, various forms of art are used as a mode of communication and it's different for every individual.
With this, the goal isn't to create a masterpiece but to feel comfortable with using art as a means to interact.