#HealthBytes: Do you snore? Follow these tips to reduce it
What's the story
Snoring happens when the air that we breathe doesn't have a free pathway to move between the nose and throat.
This causes the surrounding tissues to vibrate and results in the snoring sound we all are so familiar with.
Age, nasal problems, and sleep posture are some factors that contribute to snoring.
Read further for simple and proven remedies that will help reduce that.
Change your sleeping position, use specifically designed pillows
Elevate your head by four inches while sleeping. Use specifically designed pillows that reduce snoring. It helps in relieving neck muscles that could lead to snoring.
Sleep on your side instead of your back. Lying on your side will help reduce the vibrating snoring sound that results while sleeping on your back.
Sleeping regularly for eight hours and following good sleep hygiene is essential.
Nasal strips
Use nasal strips or an external nasal dilator
Nasal strips lift nasal passages and open them up.
They come in different sizes and it is important to identify the right size for your nose.
Position the nasal strip right on top of your nose and rub it to secure it properly.
Use an external nasal dilator to open the nasal passage from the outside.
This helps with an increased airflow through the nose.
Rinse your nose with saline water, use a neti pot
Having a cold will lead to a clogged nose and this can cause disturbance while sleeping.
Clearing nasal passages will help unobstructed passage of air in your sleep.
Rinse your nose with saline water before going to bed. You can also use a neti pot with saline water to rinse the nose.
Having a hot water shower before bed will also help open up nasal passages.
Weight loss
If you are overweight, losing some kilos will help
Gaining weight can be an issue for a few people in this case if not for all.
Weight gain around your neck squeezes the internal diameter of the throat and makes it more likely to collapse during sleep.
This causes snoring.
Start with basic exercises like walking and jumping rope.
Cardio and weight training will help lose weight and tone your body as well.