#HealthBytes: Morning habits you should adopt for a healthy lifestyle
What's the story
What we do in the morning has a major effect on how the rest of our day pans out.
Daily morning routines are a key difference behind our productive or mediocre days.
These regimes and habits can't counter every problem we face, but there are some healthy habits that we can adopt to alter the course of each day.
Wake up early to get a better headstart
When it comes to developing morning habits, you cannot miss out on this.
Waking up early is important for many reasons.
Apart from adding more hours to the day for getting maximum work done, this habit ensures more undisturbed and personal time.
People who wake up earlier tend to do things faster. Also when you start early you feel less rushed, which reduces stress.
Hydrate yourself: Drink a full glass of water, preferably warm
Since it has been at least 6-8 hours since your last sip of water, it is time to hydrate.
Aim to drink a full glass of water at the start of your day. It will relax your mind and body immediately.
You can add some lemon to a warm glass of water too. This helps in removing toxins and stimulating digestion and metabolism.
Make your bed: Count your day's first chore done
Making your bed is a chore that makes your space less messy and encourages good sleep hygiene. However, doing it early in the morning can help you psychologically.
If you make your bed every morning, you will feel a sense of accomplishment for finishing the first task of the day.
It will also encourage you to complete other tasks, one after the other.
Stretch your body: Yoga, workout, jogging and more
It is possible that you are not a morning exercise person. But anyone can enjoy a good stretch in the morning.
It doesn't necessarily have to be an extensive yoga routine or workout. It can just be a way to get your blood flowing, something like a 10 minute walk.
Stretch properly to avoid injury since you might feel stiff in the morning.
And of course, make and have a healthy breakfast
'Breakfast in the most important meal of the day' is something we have all heard.
A healthy breakfast containing protein, whole grains, and healthy fats can be beneficial in many ways.
You will be less hungry throughout the day. You will also be able to focus and concentrate better, and have more energy to carry on your daily work.