#HealthBytes: Try these yoga asanas for a quick weight loss
What's the story
Crash diets and extreme forms of exercise are not a lasting solution to keep those extra pounds at bay.
When it comes to losing weight, yoga has a number of asanas that not just help in reducing fat but also tone and strengthen muscles.
Following a healthy diet and practicing these asanas is a clear-cut way to lose weight and stay fit.
Surya Namaskara or the sun salutation
Stand straight. Inhale and lift your arms overhead.
Exhale, bend forward and let your hands touch the ground.
Walk your feet behind into plank pose. Extend your legs and place hands under your shoulders.
Inhale and do cobra pose. Exhale and do a downward-facing dog. Hold this pose.
Exhale. Walk your feet to a forward bend. Inhale. Lift arms overhead. Exhale.
Lower your arms.
Sethu Bandha Sarvangasana or the bridge pose
Lie on your back. Bend the knees and let your feet be hip-width apart. Inhale, and lift your back off the floor.
Roll in your shoulders, and let your chin touch the chest. Engage your butt muscles.
Press your hands harder to the ground and lift your torso higher.
Hold the pose for 30 seconds. Breathe normally.
Exhale and come back to starting position.
Parivrtta Utkatasana or the twisted chair pose
Sit in a chair pose with knees together and heels balancing your weight.
Bring your hands together in a namaskar position near your chest.
Inhale to lengthen your spine.
Exhale and slightly bend forward. Then twist your upper body to the right without turning the knee and legs.
Let your left elbow touch your right knee. Hold this pose for a few seconds.
Chaturanga Dandasana or the plank pose
Start in a tabletop position. Walk your feet back and pose with your heels lifted.
Let the feet be hip-distance apart and shoulder rightly above your wrists.
Press your fingers against the ground, bend your elbows until the shoulders are at the same height as elbows. Do not hunch the back.
Engage your leg, arm, and core muscles.
Hold this pose for 30-45 seconds.
Adho Mukha Svanasana or the downward dog pose
Start in a table-top position.
Press the hands into the ground and gently lift the hips and knees away from the floor by facing downward.
Now, straighten the elbow and knees and let the heels touch the floor. Look at the navel. Your body should look like an inverted-V.
Hold this position for up to 45 seconds.
Release and come back to resting position.