#HealthBytes: Some exercises that can help your eyes relax
What's the story
It is believed that eye exercises can improve vision or treat severe eye conditions. But, sadly there is limited evidence to prove that.
However, eye exercises can help with strain, certain eye conditions, and overall well-being.
These exercises can be especially helpful for people who are exposed to digital strain from computers, laptops, etc.
We have listed a few of them, here.
The 20 minutes, 20 feet, 20 seconds rule
Human eyes are not supposed to be glued to a single object for extended periods of time. Doing so can strain your eye muscles and cause stress.
But if you are required to work on a computer/laptop all day, the 20-20-20 rule can prevent digital eye strain.
The rule is simple. Every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Eye rolls are not just sassy, but a great exercise
Eye rolls can help alleviate the strain by working your eye muscles.
Sit up straight and look forward, with your shoulders relaxed. Look to your right and roll your eyes upwards. Next, roll your eyes down to the left and then to the ground. Repeat from the other direction.
This is one rep. Aim for 10 reps, twice a day.
The figure 8 exercise can ease digital eye strain
Figure eight is a pretty simple exercise.
All you need to do is imagine a big number 8 turned on its side about 8-10 feet in front of you.
Slowly move your eyes in the shape of the number. Keep tracing the imaginary figure 8 for 30 seconds. Then, switch direction.
This exercise can be done from a seated position as well.
Focus change is one of the popular eye exercises
You should sit while performing this exercise.
Start by holding a finger a few inches away from one eye. Focus on this finger.
Slowly, move your finger away from your face, holding your focus and look away into the distance for a moment.
Focus on your finger again and bring it back toward your eye. Again, focus on something farther away. Repeat three times.
Lastly, the rub down eye exercise
Sit or stand comfortably and briskly rub your palms together to make them warm.
Then, close your eyes and place a palm over each eyelid. You will feel the warmth seeping into your eyes. Remember to not press your eyeballs too much.
Hold this position for 2-3 minutes and then relax.
Do this exercise when you feel strained and need a quick, refreshing break.