Health & Wellness: News

31 Aug 2023


How to maintain work-life balance when undergoing fertility treatments

For individuals and couples, fertility treatments can be incredibly demanding and emotionally draining.

30 Aug 2023


Your ultimate guide to eating desserts without the weight worries

Ever had those cravings for something tasty hit you unexpectedly?

30 Aug 2023

Healthy Foods

Deconstructing detox diets: Separating science from gimmicks

Detox diets have sparked curiosity and controversy within the health and wellness realm. Despite claims of eliminating toxins from the body and enhancing health, these diets lack a scientific foundation.

30 Aug 2023


England to introduce world's first 7-minute cancer treatment jab

England's state-run National Health Service (NHS) is set to revolutionize cancer treatment by becoming the world's first healthcare system to offer a groundbreaking injection that could significantly reduce treatment time for hundreds of cancer patients.

29 Aug 2023


World's first: Parasitic worm found alive in woman's brain

In a development that has taken the scientific community by surprise, doctors and scientists at the Australian National University and Canberra Hospital in Australia discovered a live parasitic worm inside the brain of a 64-year-old woman.

28 Aug 2023


Portion control: Tips for eating right and prevent overeating

If you are aiming to reach your fitness goals without the frustration of gaining unwanted weight, mastering portion control is one thing you need to focus on, alongside exercise and other healthy weight loss methods.

28 Aug 2023


Oxytocin: How to naturally boost your love hormone

Oxytocin, often dubbed the "chemical of love," is a hormone that holds the power to shape our relationships and enhance our overall well-being.

27 Aug 2023

Healthy Foods

Never drink water immediately after eating these fruits

Most of us have a childhood habit of drinking water immediately after consuming meals. Many even do so after eating fruits that are already rich in water content.

27 Aug 2023


Complex regional pain syndrome: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a kind of persistent pain that commonly affects the arms or legs.

27 Aug 2023


Gold tattoos on living cells? These scientists made it possible

Researchers have made a significant breakthrough in integrating human cells with electronic devices, by developing a technique to tattoo gold onto living tissue.

27 Aug 2023


Scientists unearth pathogens from 800-year-old teeth: Here's how

Scientists have discovered a new method to identify pathogens our ancestors encountered by analyzing antibodies extracted from 800-year-old teeth.

Microglia might play a role in Alzheimer's disease: Study

Researchers at the University of Washington have discovered that microglia, are more frequently in a pre-inflammatory state in Alzheimer's patients.

26 Aug 2023

Healthy Foods

Mediterranean lifestyle can boost health and longevity, says study

A recent study of 1,10,799 UK participants has found that adopting a Mediterranean lifestyle can lead to improved health and longevity.

25 Aug 2023


Hug it out: Exploring the health benefits of hugging

Hugging is a universal language of connection, comfort, and care.

25 Aug 2023

Weight loss

Fact check: Investigating sauna belts and weight loss claims

You might have come across those ubiquitous sauna belt ads that claim to help you melt away fat, get rid of cellulite, and even soothe muscle pain, all while you sit comfortably in front of the TV.

25 Aug 2023


Natural remedies to improve your digestion

When the digestive system is out of balance, it can result in various health issues, ranging from bloating, diarrhea, and constipation to heartburn or gas.

24 Aug 2023


SEVENTEEN's S.Coups is recovering after surgery; agency releases statement

Recently, in an unfortunate turn of events, SEVENTEEN's S.Coups sustained an injury on his left knee during a shooting. The actor went through surgery and the agency has now issued a statement updating fans about his health.

24 Aug 2023


Sweaty palms: Causes, symptoms and treatment options

Have you noticed your palms getting sweaty often? Most of the time it may be due to nervousness. However, for some, it is a part of their daily life.

22 Aug 2023


Pollen allergies: Meaning, causes, symptoms, and treatment

Pollen allergies may be a common issue but can be extremely challenging to deal with, especially during seasonal changes.

22 Aug 2023


Fitness knows no age: Workouts for older adults

As we grow old, our muscle strength and bone density weaken among many other age-related issues. Exercise is one way to strengthen them.

21 Aug 2023


Wheat germ oil ensures good health: Here's how

Wheat germ oil is among the most wholesome oils for both cooking and topical application.

21 Aug 2023


Foods that help fight nasal congestion

Nasal congestion or a blocked nose can be alleviated by making some thoughtful dietary choices.

20 Aug 2023


Microplastics have potential to induce inflammation in human brain cells

Weathered microplastics pose a more significant threat to human brain cells than unweathered ones, according to a study.

20 Aug 2023


Groundbreaking probiotic treatment targets autoimmunity; treats Multiple Sclerosis in mice

Researchers at Harvard Medical School have made a groundbreaking discovery.

19 Aug 2023


Reasons why home-cooked food is the most healthy

Owing to an overwhelming lifestyle, most of us are often lured toward ordering food online and satiating our cravings.

18 Aug 2023


Did you know these powerful health benefits of palm oil

An edible vegetable oil that is commonly used to cook food, palm oil is derived from the fruit of oil palms and is believed to comprise a whole lot of nutrients.

18 Aug 2023


Brain aneurysm: Symptoms, causes, and treatment

In the domain of human health and wellness, some specific troubles stay hidden until they jump out at us unexpectedly. A brain aneurysm is a prime example of such a surprise attack.

17 Aug 2023


What's the truth behind the 'Asian Glow'?

Ever turned red after a drink? If you are an Asian, especially from China, Japan, or Korea, you may have experienced it.

17 Aug 2023


SEVENTEEN's S.Coups to undergo surgery after sustaining knee injury

K-pop is one of the most known genres in the world and ardent fans monitor every minute update about their favorite stars. In a recent development, SEVENTEEN's S.Coups will halt all group-related activities as the pop star will undergo a knee surgery.

17 Aug 2023


Oregano oil: Here's why it is so healthy

Oregano oil is made by drying the leaves of the oregano plant and is considered one of the most potent essential oils.

17 Aug 2023


Foods that leave you hungry. Say what now?

Hunger is the body's way of telling that it needs food. However, you may also find yourself hungry after eating!

17 Aug 2023


Early-life fitness maintenance significantly reduces cancer risk, says study

A recent study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine revealed that keeping a healthy weight can greatly reduce the risk of suffering from cancer.

17 Aug 2023


Health benefits of paprika that you probably didn't know

Paprika is a ground mixture of various peppers which makes it extremely hot.

16 Aug 2023


Social jet lag syndrome: Cause, symptoms and management

Do you enjoy staying up late followed by a day off or the weekend to catch up on sleep? If yes, you could be in a social jet lag.

16 Aug 2023


Avoid these foods that weaken your immune system

Our immune system is like a shield protecting us from getting sick.

16 Aug 2023


Dengue: Essential dos and don'ts for your safety

Dengue cases have surged in numerous regions across the nation due to the recent intense rainfall and flooding.

15 Aug 2023

Air Pollution

Air pollution could raise the likelihood of dementia, study finds

People who live in areas with high levels of air pollution, especially from sources like wildfires or farming, may face an increased dementia risk.

03 Aug 2022

Amitabh Bachchan

How does Amitabh Bachchan stay fit? His diet, fitness secrets

Amitabh Bachchan is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors in Indian cinema's history.