Here are the top 5 health benefits of carom seeds
What's the story
Carom seeds aren't just used as a flavoring food item in Indian households but are even famed for their nutritional value.
Although these are referred to as seeds, they are actually the fruits of the ajwain herb.
Often sold as whole seeds, they are also available in a powdered form.
Let's check out the top five health benefits of carom seeds.
Here's what our expert says
Ajwain or carom seeds are known for their peculiar pungent flavor and are found ubiquitously in all Indian households.
In traditional medicine, its use has been described for primarily gastrointestinal ailments ranging from colicky babies to reflux in adults.
It is often used along with rock salt (kala namak), fenugreek (methi), and ghee. Carom seed oil is also used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.
Good for gut
May relieve acidity and indigestion
One of the most important health benefits and the reason our mothers use carom seeds in food is their ability to offer respite from acidity and indigestion.
The active enzymes in carom seeds boost digestive functions and help release gastric juices.
They keep your stomach strong and offer relief from many other digestive issues including excessive bloating, flatulence, and burping.
Bye bye flu
May treat common cold
Ajwain helps in controlling and healing nasal blockage by discharging mucus, which makes it apt for consumption during common colds.
In addition to this, consuming carom seeds can help you deal with respiratory ailments like bronchitis and asthma.
Research has shown that carom seeds have cold-suppressing properties, even more than codeine which is generally prescribed to treat common colds and coughs.
Feel relief
May ease arthritis pain
Carom seeds are blessed with two important properties that make them helpful in healing pains caused by arthritis.
The first one is its antibiotic property which reduces redness and combats inflammation.
On the other hand, its anesthetic properties soothe the pain and heal swelling.
Apply a paste of the crushed seeds to your joints and then apply a hot compress on it.
Goodbye pains
May heal ear or tooth ache
If you're down with a toothache or your ears just don't stop hurting, carom seeds may help you.
To ease out earaches, people generally put two drops of ajwain oil for a quick respite.
In addition to this, for instant relief from a toothache, you can gargle with lukewarm water that has the goodness of ajwain and salt in it.
Look fit
May help in losing weight
If you are looking forward to losing weight naturally, you may want to consider adding carom seeds to your daily diet.
Ajwain water can help you shed those extra kilos as it also boosts metabolism.
Some people also add honey as a natural sweetener to enhance its flavor.
A spoonful of raw carom seeds in the morning on an empty stomach is helpful too.