Health benefits of bala, an effective Ayurvedic herb
What's the story
Bala is a lesser-known herb in Ayurveda that is packed with some potent medicinal properties.
The name of this ingredient translates to "strength" in English, which is why it has been used for centuries to treat many ailments.
Let's explore the top health benefits of this Ayurvedic marvel that make it worthy of being a part of your daily diet.
Keeps fatigue away
If you often experience low levels of energy or tiredness, bala can help you regain some strength.
According to Ayurveda, fatigue happens when your kapha dosha is imbalanced, and when you consume this herb, it offers strength and balances it.
Take about 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of bala powder, mix it with honey or milk, and consume it twice a day after meals.
Better respiration
Treats respiratory diseases
Bala can help you manage your symptoms of respiratory diseases like bronchitis and asthma, all thanks to its strong anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and adaptogenic properties.
It helps in getting rid of bronchial tubes and offers relief from bronchitis for better respiration.
Take 1/2 teaspoon of bala powder and mix with honey. Eat it twice a day after your meals.
Common cold
Eliminates common cold
The role of adaptogenic and immunomodulatory properties in bala doesn't end at only treating respiratory orders but also comes in handy in tackling the common cold and associated symptoms.
It helps you expel excess mucus and phlegm from your system and keep your air passages free of toxins.
It also boosts your immunity and keeps you strong against seasonal infections.
Relieves headache
Troubled with frequent headaches? Well, bala will come to your rescue.
If your temples hurt, this Ayurvedic wonder can heal them effectively and control the pain from spreading to other areas of your head.
This is why many oils, balms, and medicines for headaches or migraines include bala as an ingredient.
Take 1/2 teaspoon of bala powder, mix with milk, and drink twice daily.