What are hors d'oeuvres?
What's the story
Hors d'oeuvre is a French term that means "outside the work."
They are basically small sweet or savory dishes or finger foods that are usually served as appetizers at receptions, cocktail parties, or any party that offers a butler or buffet service.
They look attractive and can be savored in one or two bites.
Read on to know more about hors d'oeuvres.
A pre-snack before the main meal
Hors d'oeuvres are basically served before the main course. The appetizers usually range from 30 to 40 grams and help to stimulate your appetite before you move on to the main course. Their seasoning and cooking need to be highly accurate.
Two styles of hors d'oeuvres service
The two most popular ways of serving hors d'oeuvres are:
1. Buffet style - In this particular style, the hors d'oeuvres selections are decorated and arranged on the table in an attractive manner and guests can pick them up according to their preference.
2. Butler style - Service staffs move around and offer hors d'oeuvres to the guests on small trays.
Some hot hors d'oeuvres
1. Finger foods: They include cheese fritters, stuffed mushrooms, small samosas, meatballs, pakoras, chicken tikka, etc.
2. Small skewers: Marinated meat, poultry, shellfish, or veggies in a skewer that is baked or grilled.
3. Wrapped hors d'oeuvres: Roasted meat or veggies wrapped around a fruit or vegetable.
4. Filled dough: A savory puff pastry or pie stuffed with meat or veggies.
Some cold hors d'oeuvres
1. Canapes: A small open-faced sandwich prepared from a base, a spread, and garnish.
2. Crudites with dips: Raw or slightly blanched veggies served with a dip.
3. Caviar: Salted eggs of sturgeon fish.
4. Sushi and sashimi: Sushi is raw or cooked fish/veggies rolled on seasoned rice. Sashimi is raw fish.
5. Petit flours: Cakes, pastries, and sweets.
Amount of hors d'oeuvres to be served
You can serve three-four pieces per person 30-60 minutes before dinner or during cocktail hour.
In case of a 1.5-2-hour-long event, serve five-six pieces per person before dinner time.
Serve some heavy hors d'oeuvres, seven-eight pieces per person, if there is a 2-4-hour event.
If the event is for more than four hours, serve 10-14 pieces per person as dinner replacement.