Grow scarlet runner beans in your balcony. It's that easy!
What's the story
Growing scarlet runner beans in an apartment setting provides a gratifying experience for urban gardeners with limited space.
These colorful plants not only beautify your balcony but also produce edible beans.
This article presents a complete guide, outlining the steps to successfully cultivate these beautiful plants in small spaces.
You can enjoy both their visual beauty and nutritional benefits.
Selecting the right containers
Scarlet runner beans need deep containers to let their roots stretch out.
Choose a pot that's at least 12 inches deep.
Make sure the container has plenty of drainage holes. You don't want water sitting around and rotting those beautiful roots!
You can use a plastic or terracotta pot. Plastic retains moisture better, but terracotta is heavier (good for stability).
Positioning for optimal growth
These beans love the sun! Make sure they get at least six hours of direct sunlight every day.
Place your containers in the sunniest part of the balcony, where they will get plenty of light throughout the day.
If your balcony gets partial shade, position the pots so that the plants will still get sun during the strongest sunlight hours from late morning to mid-afternoon.
Soil and fertilization needs
A well-draining soil mix is essential for the healthy growth of scarlet runner beans.
By mixing two parts garden soil, one part peat moss, and one part perlite or vermiculite, you can create an ideal medium.
This mix provides excellent drainage while holding sufficient moisture for root uptake.
Fertilize every four weeks with a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. This will promote strong growth and abundant bean production.
Watering practices for healthy beans
Scarlet runner beans require consistent watering, particularly in dry spells or hot weather when the sun is at its peak and water evaporates quickly.
Strive to maintain the soil evenly moist but avoid waterlogging it.
Watering in the early morning is ideal because it enables excess water on leaves to evaporate throughout the day, minimizing the risk of diseases.
Supporting your bean plants
Scarlet runner beans are climbers, meaning they'll need something to latch onto as they reach for the sun.
By setting up a trellis or strong stakes in your container, you're providing a perfect climbing frame for them to thrive.
This not only keeps their growth under control by guiding them upward, but it also promotes more blooms and beans by improving air circulation around the plant.