Don't discard the seeds of these fruits. Eat them instead
What's the story
You didn't "seed" this coming!
Most of us eat fruits and discard their seeds considering them inedible. However, did you know that the seeds of some fruits are packed with nutrients and can be eaten?
Well, here are some common fruits that comprise edible seeds and can be used in several recipes to incorporate into your daily diet.
Fruit 1
Papaya seeds
The tiny, black seeds of papaya although slightly bitter, are nutritious.
Experts reveal that these seeds can effectively come in handy to improve digestion and liver health.
Not only that, they can also boost your immunity, keep your heart healthy, and significantly contribute to your weight loss journey.
Grind them into powder and add them to your smoothies, soups, etc.
Fruit 2
Watermelon seeds
After eating the red and juicy flesh of watermelon, don't throw away its seeds as they are rich in zinc which makes them good for your immune function.
These seeds are also believed to improve hair health as they are rich in proteins and iron.
You can roast some watermelon seeds and sprinkle salt over them to make a perfect evening snack!
Fruit 3
Passion fruit seeds
Passion fruit seeds are full of magnesium, which improves your mental health by keeping stress, anxiety, and depression at bay.
Additionally, it supports healthy blood sugar levels, enhances heart health, and may even be capable of preventing migraine attacks.
The best way to enjoy them is to savor them raw by scooping out pulp and seeds together.
Fruit 4
Mango seed
The seed of mango is blessed with a good amount of antioxidants that have been proven fit for overcoming digestive issues.
It is also rich in fiber, making it a valuable addition for those looking to lose weight.
Dry the seed and grind it into a powder. Don't consume more than a gram of this powder with honey daily.