Include these foods in your diet to fight arthritis
What's the story
Food can affect your health - for worse or for better.
Researchers have spent decades studying the impact of different foods on arthritis treatment.
Therefore, changing your diet can have a great impact on arthritis symptom relief.
A variety of healthy foods help in fighting arthritis. Take a look at this brief list of food items.
Walnuts help in reducing inflammation associated with joint diseases as they contain high amounts of omega-3.
They have a type of omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid which is primarily found in plant foods.
Omega-3 fatty acids are known to reduce inflammation and ease symptoms of arthritis.
So, you can add walnuts to your daily diet to help fight arthritis.
Leafy greens
The nutrients and components present in spinach may help decrease inflammation caused by arthritis.
Many studies have found that consuming higher amounts of fruits and vegetables leads to lower levels of inflammation.
Spinach contains plenty of antioxidants and compounds that can relieve inflammation and help fight other diseases.
However, more research is required to construe spinach has a positive effect in fighting arthritis.
Each serving of berries contains tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
These nutrients may partially account for their unique ability to decrease inflammation.
Strawberries have also been shown to reduce markers of inflammation.
There's a wide variety of berries you can include in your diet to enjoy their health benefits.
Strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries to name a few provide plenty of arthritis-fighting nutrients.
Ginger is one of the most recommended food items to help ease symptoms of arthritis.
Many research studies have investigated the effect of ginger on osteoarthritis, finding that ginger reduced inflammation and pain among the subjects who took supplements.
You can include ginger in your diet with ginger tea, soups, and sweets, or just mildly fry it and have it as lasooni.
Cruciferous vegetables
Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower have been associated with decreased levels of inflammatory markers.
These cruciferous vegetables contain components known as glucosinolates which help ease inflammatory effects.
They also contain a natural compound called sulforaphane.
Research on mice shows sulforaphane blocks the inflammatory process and might slow cartilage damage in osteoarthritis.
Broccoli is also calcium-rich, which is known for its bone-building benefits.