#HealthBytes: 5 food items that can cause acne
What's the story
Everyone desires a flawless, supple and beautiful-looking skin.
But given the pollution levels, modern lifestyle and dietary habits, our skin health is bound to take a toll.
And, acne is the most common skin problem out there.
However, good news is that simple dietary changes can help prevent acne and other skin problems.
Here are 5 food items that might lead to acne.
Dairy products and some carbohydrates rich food items
Dairy: High levels of hormones such as testosterone in dairy foods like milk, butter and cheese may lead to increased oil production and blocked pores, thereby causing acne breakouts.
Carbs: Processed or refined grains such as white bread, white rice, white pasta etc. may impact your blood sugar levels and increase oil production levels, further causing acne.
So, bid timely farewell to them.
(Excess) salts and sugar
Salty food: Excessively salty food can cause water retention, face swelling, and an increase in oil production levels, thus increasing risk of acne breakouts.
Sugar: Naturally, excessive consumption of sugar increases your blood sugar levels, to which the body responds by producing more insulin. This leads to the glands producing more oil, thus leading to oily skin and acne breakouts.
Do you know?
#5: Chocolates
Several studies suggest that eating chocolate may trigger acne breakouts. Hence, it is advisable to go for low-sugar, dark chocolates to stay on the safer end. Even those should be taken in moderation.