Follow these few dietary tips for a fun festive season
What's the story
The festive season is here!
And this is also the time when people throw caution to the wind and go on gorging on the choicest of delicacies.
While having junk food occasionally is not a crime, having it regularly causes several side effects such as stomach issues, weight gain, and lethargy, among others.
Do not avoid outside food totally, instead, follow these dietary tips.
Start with a small helping and then increase your share
Exercise portion control during the festive days. Yes, the foods on display look extremely alluring but have a check on what is on your plate.
The smart way to go about this is to start with a small helping and then increase your share if you so want.
Note that your plate should have more proteins than carbohydrates. Also, avoid sweets if possible.
Have water instead of carbonated drinks before or with meal
The next thing you can follow is to not have carbonated drinks with the food you eat and load on water instead.
This is because carbonated drinks add on calories and also bulk you up.
Also, if you drink water before binging, there is a high chance you will not be able to eat much as water will take up a lot of space.
Have a full bowl of soup, carry snack boxes
Soup is also a good idea to prevent stomach issues on those festive days. A full bowl of soup consisting of vegetables and other healthy ingredients will not only fill you up, but it is also healthy.
Dietitians are of the view that one should carry small snack boxes that have nuts and other dry fruits. Have these instead of unhealthy, deep-fried snacks.
A few general tips to make your festive season fun
A few other tips you should keep in mind for the festive season:
-Do not skip your exercise regime. Even a 20-30 minute walk or yoga session will do you good, but make sure your body gets pumped every single day.
-When you are eating outside food, chew slowly and steadily. Enjoy every bite!
-At home, while making sweets/desserts, opt for healthier ingredients.