Five HIIT exercises for a quick full-body workout
What's the story
Got a busy schedule? Want to squeeze in gymming, but can't?
Don't worry! High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is here to your rescue.
Unlike gymming, this is a fast-paced exercise session that helps you burn more calories without spending a lot of time.
Perform these five HIIT exercises, which might exhaust you but surely will make a high impact on your body.
Stand with feet one-foot apart.
Squat and put your hands on the floor.
Jump your feet back to land in a plank position, then do a push-up.
Jump your feet back toward your hands, and then jump as high as you can, with hands over your head.
If that's too much, try modifying the push-up by keeping your knees on the floor.
Jumping jacks
Jumping jacks
Stand stariaght with feet slightly apart and arms by your sides.
Jump up and stretch your feet wider than two feet apart.
Thrust your hands up so they are almost touching like a light clap.
Jump again, this time bringing your feet closer together and lowering your arms to your waist level.
Repeat the cycle with breaks in between.
Plank jack
Plank jacks
Position yourself in a plank with your ankles together.
Make sure your body is held tight in a straight line from head to heels, and your abs are engaged.
Jump with both feet wide out, then back together. It is like doing horizontal jumping jacks.
Keep your back straight while you are performing it to avoid any back injuries.
Stand with your feet wide apart.
Jump to the right with the right foot and sweep the left foot behind the right leg.
Simultaneously, swing your arms in front of the right knee as you shift sideways in a skating motion.
Hop on to your left, leading with the left foot, like you are skating.
Continue alternating sides and keep your arms moving.
Jumping lunges
Jumping lunges
Stand straight with your feet together and keep your knees agile.
Put one foot forward and the other one back to form a lunge position.
Now jump, pushing out both feet and switching the positions midair.
Keep jumping and switching feet position at the same pace.
It is like doing walking lunges; just the walking part gets replaced with jumping in one place.