5 breathing exercises to calm your mind
What's the story
Breathing exercises can be a simple yet effective way to boost daily wellness.
For novices, these exercises provide an easy entry point into mindfulness and relaxation practices.
By concentrating on breath control, one can experience decreased stress levels and increased mental clarity.
From busy professionals to stay-at-home parents, here are five easy breathing exercises that can be easily incorporated into daily routines to boost overall well-being.
Deep belly
Deep belly breathing
Deep belly breathing requires you to inhale deeply through your nose, letting the diaphragm fully expand.
Not only does this exercise help in reducing stress by triggering the body's relaxation response, it also improves your mood and concentration.
Just a few minutes of deep belly breathing every day can make a noticeable difference.
Box breathing
Box breathing technique
Box breathing is a systematic technique with four equal parts- inhale, hold, exhale and then hold again.
Each part takes 4 seconds, creating a mindful rhythm of breathing.
This technique works wonders to cool your mind during stressful circumstances. It improves your focus by making you mindful of your breathing.
Practicing this technique can give you instant stress-relief and improved focus over time.
Alternate nostril
Alternate nostril breathing
Alternate nostril breathing entails closing one nostril, inhaling from the other, and switching after exhalation.
This practice not only balances your energy levels but also enhances mental clarity. It does so by creating harmony between both hemispheres of the brain.
Doing this regularly can bring you major improvements in focus and emotional balance, making it a valuable tool for stress management and cognitive function.
4-7-8 breathing method
The 4-7-8 breathing method is a simple but powerful technique. It requires you to inhale for four seconds, hold breath for seven seconds and then slowly exhale over eight seconds.
This practice is especially helpful for people who can't find calm before sleep. It relaxes you and reduces anxiety levels.
By repeating this cycle at least twice, you can significantly improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels.
Resonant or coherent breathing
Resonant or coherent breathing entails taking five breaths every minute, split evenly between inhalation and exhalation.
This technique is useful for syncing heart-rate variability with breathing.
It greatly helps in improving emotional regulation and reducing stress responses as you practice over time.
By concentrating on this balanced breathing rhythm, one can attain a state of calm and improved mental well-being.