Fix acidity with these top five Yoga poses
What's the story
Acids are important to break down food during digestion, but it can be a serious disorder if they are produced in excess by the gastric glands.
Known as acidity, this condition results in a burning sensation. It is generally caused due to bad eating habits such as long gaps between meals, oily food, smoking, etc.
Here are five Yoga poses to fix it.
The Pawanamuktasana or Wind-relieving pose is the perfect cure for gas and stomach-related problems.
To perform it, lie flat on your back, with your arms beside you, and legs straight.
Bring your right knee toward your chest, and push the abdomen with your thigh using clasped hands.
Further, pull your upper body and try to touch your forehead with your knee.
Relax, and repeat.
The Vajrasana or Thunderbolt Pose can fix hyper acidity, and should be practised after having meals.
This pose increases the blood flow to the stomach, thereby improving digestion.
To perform this pose, bend your knees and sit on your buttocks, while keeping your spine straight.
Place your left palm on left knee and right palm on right knee.
Focus on your breathing.
To perform the Ushtrasana or Camel pose, stand on your knees, and bend backward. Hold your heels or ankles with your hands.
Now, bend your head and neck backward, and push your waist a little forward. Hold the position for a few seconds.
This pose helps neutralize the stomach acids, and prevents acidity and other digestive problems.
Adho Mukha Svanasana
In order to perform the Adho Mukha Svanasana or Downward-facing Dog pose, begin with your hands and knees, keep your knees directly under the hips, with the lower legs pointing straight back from the knees, and your toes touching the floor.
Now, stretch your elbows and relax your upper back. Press the floor away from you as you lift through your pelvis.
Kapal Bhati Pranayama
This is a Yoga breathing technique.
To perform Kapal Bhati, sit down with your legs crossed, and spine straight.
Take short intervals of breath, forcing the breath out. As you force it out, the stomach sinks in.
This is extremely beneficial for the muscles around your stomach, that help in digestion.
With regular practice, it may also help reduce belly fat.