Keep your eyes healthy with these 5 exercises
What's the story
Tear ducts are essential for eye health. They drain tears away and keep our eyes lubricated.
But as we age, or due to environmental pollutants or certain health issues, the tear ducts don't function as well.
This article details five easy exercises that can help stimulate your tear ducts, potentially reducing discomfort and improving overall eye health.
Gentle eyelid massages
Gentle massages on the eyelids can help stimulate the tear ducts, improving drainage and function.
With clean fingers, apply light pressure in a circular motion on the lids near the nose bridge for about 30 seconds.
Doing this twice a day can help maintain the tear ducts' clarity and functionality.
Blinking exercises
Regular blinking exercises are good for your eyes.
Doing regular blinking exercises can help stimulate tear production and ensure they're evenly spread across the surface of your eyes.
Every 20 minutes, look away from the screen and blink slowly 10 times.
This helps lubricate your eyes and can prevent digital eye strain.
Warm compresses
Applying warm compresses to your eyes can help unblock clogged tear ducts by softening and dislodging any obstructions.
Simply soak a clean cloth in warm water, wring out the excess, and hold it against your closed eyelids for three to five minutes.
Doing this daily can help stimulate and improve tear flow through the ducts.
Nasolacrimal massage
Nasolacrimal duct massage
The nasolacrimal duct massage focuses on the area where tears drain from the eye into the nasal cavity.
With clean hands, apply gentle pressure and massage from the inner corner of the eye downwards toward the nose bridge. Each massage session should last about 30 seconds.
Doing this massage twice a day can help make tear drainage better.
Eye movements
Focused eye movements
Practicing intentional eye movements builds ocular muscle strength and promotes tear duct health.
Begin by looking upward then slowly shift your gaze downward without moving your head; repeat this vertical motion five times.
Then move onto horizontal motions, shifting your gaze from left to right five times each set.
Perform these exercises at least once a day for best results.