Sing with precision: Exercises for a clearer voice
What's the story
Improving the accuracy of glottis opening is essential for singers striving for clarity and control in their vocal performance.
This article provides five vocal exercises specifically aimed at strengthening the muscles used for glottis opening, ultimately enhancing vocal accuracy.
These exercises are easy to understand and highly effective, making them suitable for singers of all levels.
Breath control
Breath control for better vocal precision
Breath control is essential for achieving accurate glottis opening.
One easy exercise is to take a deep breath, hold it for a count of ten, and then release it slowly.
This not only builds lung capacity but also trains singers to regulate their breath during performance, resulting in more controlled and accurate glottis openings.
The humming warm-up
Humming is an excellent vocal warm-up that improves control over the glottis.
Start by humming at a comfortable pitch and then increase the pitch with each breath.
This exercise is great for smoothing out transitions between different pitches, which is important for getting those precise glottis openings when you're singing.
It warms up your voice for more demanding vocal exercises by ensuring a smooth pitch progression.
The siren exercise
The siren exercise requires you to imitate the sound of a siren with your voice, starting from the lowest note you can comfortably reach and then sliding upwards to the highest note you can achieve without causing a break.
This smooth motion serves as an excellent exercise to stretch and strengthen the vocal cords, enhancing the flexibility necessary for accurate glottis openings.
Staccato singing drills
Staccato singing is all about nailing those short, detached notes with crisp starts and finishes.
Working on your staccato will help you gain better control over glottis openings because it demands quick closing and opening of the vocal folds.
Start with easy scales or tunes and concentrate on making each note sharp and distinct.
Straw phonation
The straw phonation exercise
Straw phonation is the practice of singing or humming through a straw to generate back pressure on the vocal folds, promoting healthy phonation patterns.
This technique alleviates unwanted tension surrounding the larynx, enabling greater control over glottis openings while singing.
It is a highly beneficial method for improving vocal accuracy without causing undue strain on the voice.