Want a toned face? Try this simple hack!
What's the story
Facial exercises offer a convenient and powerful method for enhancing muscle tone and strength in the face.
And, just like any other muscle in the body, the muscles around your eyebrows can also be trained and strengthened through specific exercises.
Here are five exercises to strengthen your eyebrow-raising muscles, for more animated facial expressions and potentially fewer forehead wrinkles.
Frontalis flex
The frontalis muscle workout
The frontalis muscle lifts your eyebrows.
To exercise it, first position two fingers above each eyebrow to apply gentle resistance.
Then, raise your eyebrows as high as you can while keeping your eyes open.
Maintain this position for five seconds before relaxing.
Repeat this exercise 10 times for best results.
Brow lift
The brow-lifter move
This exercise not only strengthens the frontalis but also reduces forehead wrinkles.
Sit comfortably with your back straight and eyes looking forward.
Place the tips of your fingers just above your eyebrows and apply gentle downward pressure.
Attempt to raise your eyebrows against the resistance of your fingers.
Hold for five seconds, then relax.
Performing this exercise fifteen times daily can greatly improve strength and flexibility.
Isolation exercise
Eyebrow isolation technique
Isolating one eyebrow at a time allows for greater control over eyebrow movement.
Start by using one hand to hold one eyebrow down to isolate it from movement.
With the index finger of your other hand placed above the opposite eyebrow, try to raise this eyebrow while keeping the other one still.
Switch sides and perform 10 repetitions on each side to promote balanced strength development.
The surprise stretch
Making a surprised face is a great way to work out the whole forehead area.
Start by opening your eyes wide like you're surprised, but not only do you want to raise your eyebrows as high as you can, you also want to make sure you're spreading them apart without creating too many wrinkles on your forehead.
Hold for 10 seconds, then slowly release. Do 20 reps.
Endurance hold
Endurance building for eyebrows
Building endurance in your eyebrow muscles is crucial for long-term strength.
To do this, raise your eyebrows as high as you can, holding them for 30 seconds or until you feel tired.
Striving for longer holds each time will build endurance in these muscles.
With consistent practice, you'll be raising your eyebrows expressively while maintaining overall facial muscle health.