Bounce and balance: 5 fun pogo stick exercises
What's the story
Pogo sticks, while commonly perceived as toys, possess a hidden potential for balance training.
By targeting core muscles and necessitating continuous micro-adjustments to preserve equilibrium, pogo stick exercises present an exciting fusion of entertainment and fitness.
This article uncovers five exercises that harness the power of the pogo stick to develop balance, with options tailored to various skill levels and goals.
Basic bounce technique
To get the hang of the basic bounce, start by placing the pogo stick vertically on a flat surface.
With one foot behind the base and your hands on the handles, step onto the base with your other foot.
Apply even pressure with both feet as you push down, keeping your body aligned.
Aim for small, controlled bounces to keep the pogo stick vertical, rather than trying to bounce high.
Lateral movement
Side-to-side bouncing
Once you're comfortable with basic bouncing, adding lateral movement is a great way to further challenge your balance.
Start with a regular bouncing rhythm, then slowly start shifting your weight from side to side with each bounce.
This exercise tests your ability to keep control while moving side to side, works different muscles, and improves overall stability.
Advanced technique
One-footed bounce challenge
For a more advanced challenge, try bouncing on one foot. This amps up the intensity by minimizing your base of support.
Simply raise one foot slightly off the base while keeping your bounce rhythm.
Hold this position as long as you can before switching to the other foot.
Make sure to keep your raised foot nearby for a quick touchdown in case you lose balance.
Expert level
Pogo stick tricks: No hands!
Performing tricks on a pogo stick is thrilling, but mastering the basics is key to progressing with confidence.
The no-hands bounce entails letting go of the handles mid-air during a bounce, stretching your arms to the side or above, and then grasping the handles again upon landing.
While this trick requires a strong core and precise timing, it improves balance and coordination tremendously once you get the hang of it.
Dynamic balance
Continuous spinning motion
Incorporating spins into your pogo stick routine adds a dynamic element that further challenges your balance.
Begin by adding a slight twist with each jump until you can consistently execute full 360-degree spins mid-air without losing momentum or control over the direction of rotation.
Try alternating the direction of rotation between jumps for additional complexity.