5 easy workouts for better auditory function
What's the story
The tensor tympani muscle is a key component of the auditory system, serving to dampen loud sounds (like chewing) to protect the delicate structures of the inner ear.
By strengthening this muscle, you may enhance its function and potentially experience improved auditory health.
This article provides a list of five simple exercises to strengthen the tensor tympani muscle, offering a practical guide for anyone looking to improve their auditory health.
Ear tap
Gentle ear tapping technique
A super simple exercise you can do is gently tapping behind your ear, close to where the tensor tympani muscle is located.
By lightly tapping with your fingertips for a minute every day, you're stimulating the area around the muscle.
This stimulation can help improve blood flow and might strengthen the muscle over time.
Yawn stretch
Controlled yawning exercise
Deliberately yawning can be a beneficial exercise for the tensor tympani muscle.
When you yawn, the tensor tympani muscle contracts involuntarily, similar to a reflex.
To exercise it, attempt to yawn by opening your mouth wide and inhaling deeply.
Maintain the yawn for five to 10 seconds before releasing. This action will stretch and strengthen the tensor tympani.
Focused humming practice
Much like yawning, humming exercises the tensor tympani muscle, albeit indirectly, through the generation of sound vibrations.
By humming at various pitches for two minutes each day, you produce vibrations that reverberate in the middle ear, the home of the tensor tympani.
These vibrations serve to exercise and potentially fortify the tensor tympani.
Chew softly
Soft chewing routine
Adding gentle, soft chewing to your daily routine can benefit your tensor tympani muscle.
Chewing gum or eating soft foods mimics the natural motions of eating without straining this delicate area of your ear.
Try to aim for five minutes of gentle chewing each day. This amount of time is enough to engage the muscle without causing strain, promoting its health and functionality.
Relax deeply
Relaxation and breathing techniques
Stress can cause tension in various muscles throughout your body, including the tensor tympani in your ear.
Practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises or meditation for 10 minutes each day can significantly decrease muscle tension.
Concentrating on slow, deep breaths encourages relaxation in all your muscles, alleviating any unwanted tension within the ear's muscles.