Elevating sesamoid bone resilience with five exercises
What's the story
The sesamoid bones, located in the tendons under the big toe, play a crucial role in foot mechanics and our overall balance.
Strengthening these tiny, pea-sized bones can significantly improve foot stability, reduce discomfort, and prevent potential injuries.
This article provides a list of five simple and effective exercises designed to strengthen the sesamoid bones and optimize foot health, ultimately leading to increased mobility and comfort.
Toe flexes and extensions
Toe flexes and extensions are easy exercises that can help strengthen your sesamoid bones.
Sit with your feet flat on the floor.
Raise your toes slowly, hold them for a while, and then press them down into the floor like you're squishing a bug.
Do this 15 times to get the blood flowing and strengthen the muscles around your sesamoids.
Marble mastery
Marble pickups
Picking up marbles is a fun and effective exercise for strengthening your sesamoid bones.
Simply scatter 20 marbles on the floor alongside a bowl. Then, using only your toes, pick up the marbles individually and deposit them into the bowl.
This exercise not only strengthens the sesamoid bones but also improves toe dexterity and control.
Towel technique
Towel curls
These exercises specifically and effectively target the muscles surrounding your sesamoid bones.
Sit down and place a towel flat on the floor under your feet.
Attempt to scrunch or curl the towel towards you and then push it away using only your toes.
Doing three sets of 10 repetitions will not only strengthen your toes but also your sesamoid bones.
Ball rolling
Ball rolls
Rolling a golf ball or a similarly sized hard ball underfoot provides a gentle massage and strengthening exercise for the area around the sesamoid bones.
While seated or standing, position a ball under one foot at a time and roll it back-and-forth from heel to toe. Do this for two minutes per foot.
This exercise not only alleviates tension but also helps strengthen lower extremity muscles.
Raise high
Calf raises
Calf raises strengthen calf muscles and indirectly benefit sesamoid bone resilience by enhancing overall foot structure stability.
How to do it: Stand with feet hip-width apart near a wall for support if needed.
Slowly raise onto tiptoes as high as possible then lower back down with control; aim for three sets of 12 repetitions each day for optimal results.