Want a stronger grip? Try these 5 effective exercises
What's the story
Building a strong hammer grip strength is crucial for many sports and even day-to-day life.
This article provides a list of the top five exercises to improve your grip strength, all of which are selected for their simplicity and effectiveness.
These exercises specifically target the muscles used in hammer grip, ensuring a balanced and efficient strengthening routine.
Dead hang
Dead hangs for endurance
Dead hangs: Simply hang from a pull-up bar with both hands in a neutral or hammer grip position.
This exercise not only strengthens your grip but also improves shoulder stability and endurance.
Hang for as long as you can, and slowly build up your endurance.
Do three sets, resting one to two minutes between sets.
Wrist curl
Wrist curls for forearm strength
Wrist curls isolate the forearm muscles, which are essential for hammer grip strength.
Sit on a bench with a dumbbell or barbell in your hand, resting your forearms on your thighs or the bench, palms up.
Flex your wrists to curl the weight towards you, then slowly lower it back down.
Complete three sets of 10 to 12 reps.
Farmer's walk
Farmer's walk for overall grip enhancement
The farmer's walk is a simple yet powerful full-body exercise with a particular emphasis on enhancing grip strength.
Simply hold a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell in each hand using a neutral grip and walk for a predetermined distance or time.
Maintain a strong posture with your shoulders pulled back and your core engaged during the walk.
Aim for three sets of 30-second walks with a minute rest in between.
Hammer curl
Hammer curls for bicep and grip synergy
Hammer curls are a variation of the traditional bicep curl where you hold the weights with a neutral grip, as if you're holding a hammer.
This exercise engages both the biceps and the forearm muscles used for gripping, making it a great addition to any strength training routine.
Do three sets of 10 to 12 reps with a weight that feels challenging but still allows you to maintain good form.
Plate pinch
Plate pinches for pinch grip strength
Plate pinches are great for improving pinch grip strength, which supplements hammer grip training by targeting the thumb opposition muscles.
To do it, grasp two weight plates together in one hand, pinching them between your fingers and thumb.
Hold for as long as you can before switching hands.
Try for three sets per hand, with each hold lasting 20-30 seconds or until failure.