Want to become a morning person? Follow these simple tips
What's the story
We've all been in that place where we resolve to wake up early, only to snooze the alarm and happily doze off.
Chronotype is the word that best describes someone's natural sleep patterns and it varies from one person to another.
A number of factors are responsible for a person's chronotype, however, there are certain ways in which you can alter your sleep cycles.
Sleep for 7 hours; doze-off early to wake up early
Research proves that you need a good night's sleep of 7-8 hours to wake up energized in the morning and to be productive the next day.
If you plan on making early mornings a routine, it is important to adjust your sleep schedule to clock in 7-8 hours of sleep.
Make it a habit to sleep early so as to wake up early.
Adjust the circadian rhythms, the body's biological clock
Circadian rhythms are our body's biological clock and are highly sensitive to light.
Sunset colors like amber and orange stimulate sleep in our bodies, while light blue and early morning hues tune the body to wake up.
Limit phone and other gadgets that emit blue light at night, and make use of bed-time lamps in hues of orange to aid in sleeping better.
Alarm clock
Use a clock instead of your phone to set alarm
Our mobile phones have the snooze button that makes it a tempting option to get a few more extra minutes of sleep.
Using an alarm clock is a foolproof way to wake up on time without giving in to snoozing.
You can also use alarm apps like Smart Alarm Clock that requires you to do a small math problem to turn off the alarm.
Healthy night-time routine: Avoid TV, games; calm your mind, body
A healthy night-time routine is key to waking up fresh in the morning.
Make sure to have your dinner two hours before bedtime.
Ease your mind and body through meditation, journaling, or other relaxing habits at night.
It is also important to avoid TV and games right before bedtime, as these hamper the secretion of the melatonin hormone, which is important for quality sleep.
Be consistent while taking time to adapt to the habit
It will require patience and consistency on your part to become an early bird, as your body needs to gradually adapt to the change.
Forgive yourself for any lapses and for dozing off out of tiredness.
Stick to the above tips and give your mind and body the time it requires to make this a habit.
You will slowly but surely get there.