Zero Waste Living: A beginner's guide to sustainable living
What's the story
With landfills filling up and plastics choking our oceans, it is clear that our current approach to waste is unsustainable.
In response to this, living a zero-waste lifestyle has been gaining momentum lately.
This lifestyle is all about reducing waste and living in a more eco-friendly way.
On Earth Day, let us learn some ways to reduce waste output and live a zero-waste lifestyle.
Single-use items
Start with reducing single-use items
Do you use plastic utensils, paper napkins, or plastic water bottles often?
Take a week to observe your habits and do a trash audit.
This can help you identify where your waste is coming from and make informed decisions about what to eliminate to reduce your environmental impact.
By focusing on cutting these items out, you can reduce waste significantly.
Upcycle what you have
You don't need to buy new things to start living a zero-waste lifestyle.
Take a look around your home and see what waste-reduction tools you already have.
Empty glass jars are super handy for storing dry bulk foods and leftovers.
An old saree can be transformed into an ethnic skirt. For more inspiration, try these five ways to upcycle an old saree.
Promotional items
Refuse unnecessary products and promotional items
The world is drowning in waste, and we all need to take action to make a difference.
One way to start is by refusing unnecessary products and promotional items.
These items are often made from cheap materials that quickly break and end up in landfills.
Saying "no" can be tough, but it's important to understand why you don't need them.
24-hour rule
Deploy the 24-hour rule
When you are tempted to buy something, take a step back and ask yourself if you truly need it.
If you get an urge to buy something, wait for 24 hours before making a decision.
During this time, reflect on whether the item aligns with your values and if it's a necessity.
This will help you resist the urge to make an impulsive purchase.
Make things yourself
Making your own toiletries, makeup, and food can help reduce plastic waste and give you a sense of accomplishment.
With many simple recipes and tutorials available online, it's easy to get started.
Plus, you will have the added benefit of knowing exactly what's going into the products you use and consume.
For instance, you can make scented candles at home.